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Fun, Social, Speedy, Lacked Depth
2C-D & Cannabis
Citation:   jabberwocky. "Fun, Social, Speedy, Lacked Depth: An Experience with 2C-D & Cannabis (exp31084)". Mar 2, 2004.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral 2C-D (liquid)
  T+ 2:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
BODY WEIGHT: 155.5 lb
I had recently attained a quantity of 2C-D and had fairly little experience (only mescaline and 2C-I) with the wonderful class of chemicals they call phenethylamines. This being the case the only reasonable thing to do was to eat some as soon as possible.

Elsewhere, a party was getting started and it was necessary that I alter my space-time coordinates to coincide with it's. After a long drive, I arrived at my destination. Despite the socially demanding situation I felt like I would be able to handle 2c-d in this environment.. although the availible literature on the substance was lacking, what I had read seemed to indicate I could expect something stimulating, but probably not extremely profound.

Shortly after arriving and checking out the scene at the party, I began the infamous 'cut x mg in half repeatedly' measurement technique. Despite the heinous inaccuracy of such a method, I wasn't extremely worried about taking too much. PIHKAL reports up to 150 mg doses, and nothing mind-blowing around 50 mg, so I aimed for 60. Said dosage was dissolved in water and then consumed. Taste was chemical and foul, but I've had much worse.

Within 25 minutes there were subtle indications I'd eaten a psychadelic: subtle breathing, light tracers, odd body sensations/buzz, and light enebriation. Come up was very smooth.

In an hour I find myself very definitely speedy and socially disinhibited, talking comfortably with people I don't know. Normally and *especially* on psychadelics I am somewhat withdrawn and pessimistic about meeting new people, so this social lubrication is actually ideal since there were a great many people at the party that I'd never met.

Soon the visuals set in, and I find that music is good. Music is creating a soundscape which, if I close my eyes, I can see/feel. This is a common thing for me on many psychadelics and so is familiar conceptually but the character of this is quite distinct.

There are a couple of different aspects to the visuals. First is slight but totally constant tracers. There is a shiny ghost-like fog surrounding any movement, as if I were witnessing some turbulence in the ether. There is also the typical breathing and dripping.

After maybe 1.5-2 hours I elected to smoke some pot in the hope of creating some interesting synergy. Pot definitely made the visuals and the music more intense, but I noticed no difference at all cognitively. This is where I come to the only unpleasant facet of the trip. After taking several (apparently one too many) bong rips I started to cough so violently I needed to leave to get some water. While in the bathroom my throat seemed so swollen I couldn't speak, cough, or breathe. For a moment there was total panic (just TRY avoiding total panic when you find you can't provide yourself with air), but then I tried to relax and it soon was lessened to the point that I could breathe again. I vacated the bathroom and went someplace quiet where I could chill out and relax. My throat still felt constricted for maybe half an hour, but nothing close to as bad as my choking fit happened after that. I'm not really sure what could have caused this, but possibly it was psychosomatic due to my increased awareness of how my body felt.

In retrospect I think that what happened may be similar to what people who have panic attacks experience, and might be related to the speediness of the compound.

Anyway, in summary, here are a few thoughts.

Although I've never tried it, I expect the 2C-D trip may be very similar to combining acid with MDMA or acid with MDA. The ghosty tracers, the social lubrication, the tendancy to want to jabber.. all of this is at least consistent with my (albeit somewhat limited) experience with MDA. 2C-D is, however, much more visual than MDA.. hence the comparison with acid. It is totally lacking the more generally profound and psychological aspects that I enjoy about acid.

For me, this is a party drug. Fun, social, speedy. I feel it lacks depth and is somewhat generic, making it relatively useless for self-exploration or spiritual endeavours, at least at this dosage level.

I'd say the experience lasted 5 hours. I felt nothing odd the next day. Someone may find this interesting/useful: An additional experiment with 2C-D (which occured at a later date, and is not really worthy of a trip-report) has brought to my attention that some kind of tolerance can be expected to exist about a week after dosing.

I wonder about the one PIHKAL entry talking about a 'truly remarkable psychadelic' where the dosage was given as 150 mg. And yet one experimenter remarked that he would not go higher than 30. I feel pretty certain that when these experimenters mention not going higher they are put off by the speediness, not by any kind of difficulty dealing with the oddness of the experience. The moral of their comments (and my report) may be that speediness people can tolerate (or enjoy) differs drastically from one individual to another. Probably a good thing to keep in mind when determining dosage.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31084
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2004Views: 13,787
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2C-D (103) : General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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