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Tastier, Faster, Higher
by greg
Citation:   greg. "Tastier, Faster, Higher: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp31186)". Nov 18, 2022.

2+ g oral Mushrooms (ground / crushed)
I allow my mushrooms to dry completely; I want to be able to break a stem in half by bending it, if it just bends or cracks a little then I use scissors to get smaller pieces, lay them out on a plate and let sit in a cool, DRY place (a day should do).

Next step, a pulverizer of some sort. The best I've used is a coffee grinder, a blender (a touch wasteful), or I take the time and use a razor, knife, scissors, or fingers (adds time to the take off, and the overall quality of the elixir). Then, I pour my dust/powder/bits into the bottom of a coffee mug (waste not).

At any grocery store in the coffee/tea/coco aisle I can find instant cider. I pour a pouch of powder cider over my mush-dust
I pour a pouch of powder cider over my mush-dust
and move on to boiling water: bring h2o to a rolling boil and turn off heat, as soon as the boil stops, pour over our mix and stir. The finer the mush-dust the less time needed; 2 min for dust, 5 min for powder, 7-10 min for 'bits'.

Where eating strait mushrooms will elevate me in 30 min to an hour with a yawny, uncomfortable, anticipation, the mush-dust psilo-cider method will lift me in 5-15 min without discomfort on my way to awakening.

I started at two grams and went up from there. I had a life changing 'trip' at around 10-12 grams over a bowl of psilo-pasta and three cups of tea through the night.

***calm and patience, calm and patience. 'consciousness is chemical in nature and it changes as its chemistry changes'

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31186
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 18, 2022Views: 317
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Mushrooms (39) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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