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The Best Times I Have Ever Had
Citation:   Ferreally. "The Best Times I Have Ever Had: An Experience with Heroin (exp31268)". Apr 24, 2006.

30 mg IV Heroin
Well my friend and I decided to try some heroin after having smoked weed for about 3 months. Lately I have had the urge to try something a litter harder than weed. Well I scored some fine china at our local ghetto. And it came in a little water ballon. I took it out and it was this stuff that looked like dirt. Well, my friend (he has tried it a couple of times before) cooked the stuff up and told me how to shoot it up. He said that we should share the needle, because that is how he always has done it. So I agreed. He pulled out the needle filled with the brownish liquid and stuck it in my vein. He played around with the syringe pulling some blood into the syringe. I was like ok come on hurry up. SOoo he pushed it in.

It was like nothing I have never felt before. My arm felt contaminated instantaniously. I felt as if my arm fell asleep and then my whole body was dead numb. I was messed up completly right when he injected it in me. The feeling is soo awesome. I was soo engrossed in the feeling that my left eye shed a tear. I now knew why people have died on this drug. I felt soo comfortable and warm. I felt no worries whatsoever. All I remember after that was just staring at the ceiling and wanting to climb my own leg.

When I started to come down I began to feel very itchy and had an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. So I told my friend that I wanting to go throw up. He said nonsense. And he insisted that I take another shot. I said no but he manipulated me and I gave in. This time it was different.

When he shot me up my arm BURNED in pain and I started to scream. My whole face started to feel like I was burning from the inside out. I was losing my breath and I could not let my friend know how I felt. I was getting scared. Then, all of a sudden it hit me. The warmth of the drug. It felt soo good. After it subsided I asked my friend for some more. And he told me that we had no more left. Soo I pulled out my bank card and insisted we go to the bank and get some more money to buy more dope. He agreed and said that this time we get better stuff.

When he mixed up the stuff I was excited to feel the same feeling again. My heart was beating so fast. When he pulled out the same needle I got excited again. When he shot me up I felt as though I traveled to a different place. It was a place where there was great vegitation and water. I was flying through the water but I wasn't swimming. Just flying under water. I grabbed a fish and stuck it between my mouth like a bird when ALL of a sudden I realized I was A BIRD. When I came out of the water I saw this hole with a deep pit. It was purple and had huge pillars going down it. I decided not to go in when all of a sudden I got pushed by something then as I fell I woke up in the hospital.

I had overdosed on Heroin but it was an expierence I will never forget.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31268
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2006Views: 37,051
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Heroin (27) : Overdose (29), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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