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At Complete Peace with Everything
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis
by OJ
Citation:   OJ. "At Complete Peace with Everything: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) & Cannabis (exp31332)". Erowid.org. Nov 14, 2007. erowid.org/exp/31332

210 seeds oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  1.0 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
I ate the seeds at 1:45. I had taken a teaspoon of Gignger beforehand to counteract the nausea and I chewed up 4 packages of Heavenly Blue Morning Glory seeds to a fine paste and swallowed. The only (psychoactive) drugs I had done before this were weed, alcohol, DXM, and Salvia, though I never did get hallucinoginc effects from the last, it just felt like weed to me. So this was my first real hallucinoginic experience.

At about 2:20, I started feeling a little turning in my stomach, so I walked down to the nearby park to smoke some herb and a cig. After the bowl I felt amazing. I was in love with everything. I new it was going to be a good trip when my MP3 player started playing Lynyrd Skynyrd's Free Bird right as a hawk started soaring across the sky. I spent 2 hours at the park looking at everything with awe and wonder. Everything was just interesting. I watched the waves in the river, I watched the cherry blossoms fluttering to the ground, which left some cool trails, I watched the ducks, everything looked so perfect and flawless I could watch it all day.

These two kids came down and started throwing rocks at the ducks. I thought 'That isn't very nice,' but I was still happy. Nothing seemed able to kill my positive twist on everything. I lay on a bench and stared at the sky, thinking of the universe for awhile. I suddenly was able to understand how everything works. I knew the answer to the question 'Why?'. If this is any indication of what stronger hallucinogins are like, sign me up for LSD. I watched the moon through the clouds for awhile. I thought it was amusing that the moon was out in the daytime, even though I knew it was a common occurance. Then I went home. My legs were starting to cramp up pretty bad, so around 5 o'clock I took some asprin and smoked another cig and a couple of roaches from the night before. My legs didn't hurt half as much.

6 o'clock, I got an attack of the giggles. I couldn't stop snickering or giggling for 10 minutes. The idea that got me giggling was a 9'tall snowman wandering through a neighborhood eating other snowmen. Even as I type this, I'm giggling thinking about it. At 6:30, my mom came home. She thought I seemed unusually happy, but couldn't tell I was tripping. I had some cookies and milk which tasted incredible. At that point, my senses went haywire. Music was amazing, everything I touched felt euphoric, etc. I started coming down around 7:30. Wasn't a screeching to a halt roller coaster comedown, more like a feather fluttering gently down to earth. I'm now finishing typing this at 9:00, still feeling not quite baseline, but certainly not feeling enough to be considered tripping. I still am really enjoying touching things. Everything just feels good in my hands.

Would I reccomend Morning Glories? Definitely. I'm going to be doing these again, for sure. The nausea and leg cramps suck, but they can be counteracted by other drugs.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31332
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2007Views: 4,937
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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