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Very Odd
4-Ho-DiPT & Cannabis
Citation:   frank. "Very Odd: An Experience with 4-Ho-DiPT & Cannabis (exp31397)". Mar 2, 2004.

T+ 0:00
40 mg oral 4-HO-DiPT  
  T+ 3:30 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Well to say the least, I was surprised. There were four of us who ate this material. All at different doses. Mine being the highest was 40mg. We all ate it about 6pm Saturday evening. The odd part was that it didn’t kick in until 3 ½ hours later. During the 3 hours we had all gotten a little disappointed and thought the best way to end the day would be to get a bag.

Well after a single bong load I was tripping real hard. I started to get a mushroom like body high only this high was very twitchy. My whole body was twitching hard. But I was surrounded by this real nice feeling. Ya know the feeling when you wake up in the morning and you're completely rested. The visuals got more intense as the trip progressed. Although there weren’t any morphing qualities everything was very wavy. Hues and colors changed on peoples faces. Walking felt very weird. What I can’t under stand is why it took 3 ½ hours to kick in. No report I have read said anything about this. Well to finish up I liked it, everyone else liked it, we all laughed a lot! and we’ll definitely try this again.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31397
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2004Views: 14,181
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4-HO-DiPT (281) : Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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