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At a Spiritual Spa
Morning Glory (seeds) & Caffeine
Citation:   Astral Voyager. "At a Spiritual Spa: An Experience with Morning Glory (seeds) & Caffeine (exp31399)". Mar 2, 2004.

400 mg oral Morning Glory (seeds)
  2 tablets oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Caffeine (liquid)
    oral Pharms - Escitalopram (daily)
Yesterday I had perhaps the greatest trip of my life using about 400 morning glory seeds. I have eaten about 280 seeds in the past and have also attempted to extract the LSA by using Naptha and Everclear, or alternatively, water. But, after yesterday’s experience, I have determined that nothing works better than just eating ground up seeds.

This is how I prepared. I ground up 400 seeds in a coffee grinder, then placed the powder in about 30 gelatin capsules, because after the last time that I drank down the vile tasting powder, I decided I would never do it that way again. The time and effort it took to use capsules was well worth it. I had not slept a wink all night, and at about 4:15 in the morning I swallowed the pills and also two dramamine pills to prevent nausea. By the way, I take 10 mg of Lexapro daily, but I skipped it yesterday.

What inspired me to go on this trip was a book I had just bought, called “Acid Dreams: The Complete History of LSD: The CIA, The Sixties, and Beyond” After reading about the experiences of psychedelics, I decided I was feeling courageous enough to take another trip. It takes a lot of courage for me because I tend to have panic attacks—if I could only figure out a way to trip without the anxiety. After swallowing the pills, I drove for thirty minutes to a nearby state park/campground. I hiked to the top of a hill, and, surrounded by trees, I sat upon the ground and watched the sunrise. I did this while listening to the very mystical music of Kitaro (his latest album “Sacred Journey of Ku-kai” is excellent) on my mp3 player. Although I felt very positive and happy while watching the sunrise, a couple hours had passed and I did not feel like I was tripping. I was tired, it was cold, and so I decided to get in the car and go home and sleep. Then it all started.

On the drive home, I began talking to myself just for fun. I pretended like I was having a conversation with someone about various topics and was just enjoying the feeling of dabbling with wordplay and free-association - with whatever came into my mind. Something was definitely a little out of the ordinary. But it was very mild. When I got home, I looked in the mirror and said a few positive things about myself to myself in order to prepare for any anxiety that might arise. I became very enthused as I did this, and felt very, very positive about myself and life. I swore to myself that I would never cave into fear and that whatever happened today and for the rest of my life was going to be a positive experience.

The next thing I did was to listen to my favorite Rock group, Rush. For some reason (and many psychedelic voyagers will understand this) I always end up listening to Rush when I trip. I listened to their latest album, Vapor Trails. It was fascinating. Recently, I had begun reading drummer and lyricist Neil Peart’s book entitled “Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road”, which tells about his motorcycle journey through Canada, the U.S. and Central America as he coped with the loss of his only daughter and his wife. While listening to the music and reading the lyrics, I noticed that Peart’s sense of loss, and in general, the transitory and frail nature of human existence was the theme of the album. The artwork, lyrics and musical sounds all meshed together to tell the same powerful story.

As I read the lyrics and listened to the song “Ghost Rider,” I began to cry. I could relate to the sense of loss because of my divorce, but mostly I was just crying because I was so touched at the pathos of Peart’s experience. The lyrics in the beginning of the song say “Nothing on the road behind/ Nothing on the road ahead/ Nothing can stop me now.” I knew this was referring to the fact that nothing could stop Peart from committing suicide, now that he had lost his wife and daughter. But at the end of the song, it says “Sunrise on the road behind/Sunrise on the road ahead/ There’s nothing to stop you now.” After his travels on the healing road, and relearning to love the simple pleasures of life, like hearing the song of a bird or seeing a beautiful sunrise, Peart knew that nothing could stop him from achieving happiness now. This theme really touched me, especially as I deal with my own issues of fear, depression and happiness.

The MG seeds contributed to the emotional experience in a very powerful way. I was able to perceive images in the album artwork that tied in with the musical and lyrical theme—images I had never understood before. This is not an exaggeration. I had a similar experience while using acid as a teenager. Besides greatly enhancing the visual and auditory experience, the MG seeds also added a depth of perspective in my emotional understanding of and resonance with the themes in the music. Rush and psychedelics = excellent combination

Each song on this Rush album had a tarot card associated with it. I became intrigued with the tarot cards and decided it would be fun to go find a fortune teller—while in this altered state of mind--in town who uses tarot cards and get a reading done. Besides, I was feeling quite loquacious, and thought that it would be fun to talk to someone while in this state of mind. But I was unable to find anybody in the phonebook. I was desperate for someone to talk to. Morning glory seeds make me want to talk—a lot. So I drove to a house across town where I vaguely remembered seeing a sign on the front lawn that said something about fortune telling. What the sign actually turned out to say was “School of Metaphysics.” Nice! I could go for something like that while tripping. I knocked on the front door, but nobody was there. Looking through the window, I scanned the many books on the display shelves. There were many interesting titles relating to the search for the historical Jesus and to eastern philosophies--things in which I am currently very interested. I thought, “I have to get in touch with these people.”

So I wrote the phone number down, then went home and made a phone call. I told the woman on the other end of the line that I was having an “epiphany” of sorts (by this time I was absolutely sure that I was tripping—and still rising) and that I would love to have someone to talk to about things such as tarot cards and metaphysics—whatever she had to offer. She told me that the school was having a “spiritual spa,” that I was invited, and that I could come early and help her get ready. So I did, and I am very glad for having done so. Without going into too much detail, I will say that while at this spiritual spa, I had my palms read, had my feet and hands washed and massaged, had Reiki performed on me, and meditated. It was absolutely amazing—especially the Reiki. By the time I had Reiki done, I was able to have closed-eye visuals.

Every time the person performing the Reiki touched me, the physical sensation seemed to echo off into space, forming repeating geometric lines. When she touched my forehead with her fingers, she started with a finger from her right hand and a finger from her left hand each touching the middle of my forehead, and then tapped repeatedly on my forehead as she spread her right and left hands away from each other toward my temples. After she finished doing that, the sensation of tapping continued out into space with a pleasant echo.

I was very talkative and feeling brave, so I had many interesting conversations with the other students at this school throughout the day. I can’t believe I went and did this while tripping—I’m sure they thought I was nuts and talked and interrupted too much.

I truly felt like the palm reading and the Reiki, and much of religion and metaphysical philosophy in general, must have originally been designed by ancient people who were using psychedelics, because the experience seemed to fit so perfectly with what I was feeling. There is no way to describe it. I would recommend trying something like this to anyone interested in having a very positive and enlightening experience while tripping. Incidentally, I only experienced very mild nausea for about half an hour to an hour during the second hour (before the onset of the trip). It must have been the dramamine.

This was absolutely the most positive trip I have ever had. It was pleasant and there was very little anxiety—nothing that I couldn’t control with positive thinking and constant human interaction. Also, I drank a lot of caffeine. I used Red Bull to help wash down the pills, and I drank a couple cups of coffee throughout the day. I think the caffeine helped the trip out. By about 2:00 P.M., I wondered how much higher I could keep going because the trip just kept getting better and better. And that is very strange, considering that after a couple hours after taking the pills I was about to give up, thinking that the seeds I had taken were inactive. It has been over ten years since I last used LSD, but as far as I can remember, yesterday’s trip was as good as a mild LSD trip--only the rising and coming down was more gentle. It was mystical, revelatory, controllable and just absolutely sensational. By the time I got home last night, I was worn out. I went to sleep at 7:00 P.M. and woke up today at 1:00 P.M. I have felt physically weak and a little shaky, but very peaceful. I felt good enough to go on about a 15 mile bike ride, go read for a little while down at a bookstore, and write this trip report. After experimenting with various methods, I am convinced that just eating the seeds with some dramamine is the way to go.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31399
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 2, 2004Views: 19,788
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Various (28)

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