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Trippin' Balls
Morning Glory
Citation:   KonArtis. "Trippin' Balls: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp31554)". Feb 13, 2007.

39.6 g oral Morning Glory (seeds)
Dose: 39.6 grams
Ingestion : oral, chewed
Substance: Morning Glory Seeds

[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]

I walked into the local grocery store excited and ready to trip. I quickly made my way to the last isle where I had previously spotted these gems of the flower world. I identified the rows which contained seeds that you could possibly trip off of and hurriedly stuffed them all into my jacket and left the store. It was a variety of Pearly Gates, Flying Saucers, but mostly Heavenly Blue. Now, onto the experience.

Ahh… where to begin? I’m not sure exactly when, but at approximately 7:00 on Saturday, February 29th I ingested 39.6 grams of seeds. This process could not have taken more than half an hour. I waited and waited for my experience to begin. Somewhere around 10 oclock, I started tripping.

I could see all the colors of the rainbow flashing vividly and moving lines, everchanging swirling patterns when I closed my eyes. These visuals gradually got enhanced the longer I stayed awake and focused on them. I have a stucco celing, and I would focus on one point and move my head around, back and forth, forward and back. When I moved my head, the celing would move and warp. When I stopped my head, it would stop moving. However, it never went back to normal, it was everchanging. I also remember looking at the bed in the guest room. I was standing over it, looking down. It has flowery patterns on it. When I would focus on one point and move my head, it was the same effects that the ceiling produced.

I remember that my thinking was greatly enhanced and impaired at the same time. I could think extremely clearly, and my mind was cleared, but I was completely fascinated with every thought that I had, and I had to think about that thought as soon as it occurred to me, there was no avoiding it. Anything I had ever wanted to think about but never had the time to, I was now able to think deeply about for what seemed like hours. It is a bit hard to explain, but I will explain it to the best of my ability. It was as if 100 uncompleted, jumbled, completely unrelated thoughts were flying into my head every second, and I would have to contemplate, debate, and think about whatever thought it was, until I got bored of it and moved on. But, that’s not where it stopped.

At some other point in the night I would reconnect the previously unfinished thought with one that helped me better understand where exactly I was going with that thought. I was completely fascinated with my thoughts and how they could sporadically jump subjects from one to another in a mere matter of seconds. I was euphoric. I had never experienced any type of psychadellic before, and this was the coolest and best thing I had ever done in my life. I stayed up until 6:00 am enjoying the visuals until I finally decided that it was time to go to sleep.

The next day I woke up at approximately 1:00 pm. Ahhh, it was great to be alive. I had discovered much about myself the previous night and was now still tripping. However, thinking I had returned somewhat back to normal, and I felt that I had better impulse control. I was still having nice visuals. When I closed my eyes, I had less colors than the previous day, but I still saw swirling lines and patterns. I could also see these lines moving on the walls and on peoples faces. Anything flat, or with a dark color, or any type of pattern to it took on the lines and moved with the lines.

I cannot remember exactly what effects were experienced on what days, considering I am still seeing moving lines lightly, but I have chronologically indexed them to the best of my ability. I stayed up until 2 am enjoying my moving lines and went to bed.
It was now Monday. I woke up for school at 6 am. I was still tripping. I had heard that people kept seeing visuals after the drugs had worn off, and I was wondering if this was what I was experiencing. As I walked through the halls of the school, I noticed that colors, lines, patterns, and shapes were greatly enhanced. I could see the texture of EVERYTHING. I noticed things that I had never noticed before. I could see the texture of the walls, and how the paint had lightly covered it. Anything with texture the lines took to. It was as if the lines would connect the dots so to speak and bring the walls to life.

I remember this part very clearly. I was in a class, and the teacher shut off the lights to view a video. I was sitting there with my head down, watching the lines when, unexpectedly, the walls, celing, and floor started to move and melt. The ceiling was slanted downward, so the melting seemed to be flowing that way. The floor and walls were merely moving in circular patterns.

Tuesday. I woke up. Still tripping. I now highly doubted the fact that I was still under the influence of the drug, but did not care. It’s not that I wasn’t enjoying the trip anymore, it’s just that it wasn’t as new to me anymore and was not as completely interesting. Still the main visuals I got were moving lines. Mostly all of the color had gone and only the lines remained. These lines I can still see, and it is now Friday march 5th. I highly doubt that any lsa still remains in my system, but I am still seeing moving lines, and I did take nearly 40 grams, so I suppose that it is possible.

Obviously, all the visuals were greater enhanced when I was in a dark/darker environment, however they were still clearly visible in broad daylight. The lines, after I’d say… Wednesday?… had lost all color. They were light grey and showed up only when I closed my eyes or on flat dark surfaces.

I also noticed that when I inhaled ANY type of smoke (tobacco, marijuana) that the visuals would get slightly brighter in the brief second when whatever the substance was hit my lungs. I smoked approximately 4 packs of cigarettes during this time and around 10 grams of cannabis. I do not usually smoke this much, but I enjoyed seeing the effect the smoke had on the visuals. So, I kept smoking.

One final sidenote… this drug was the best experience I have ever had in my entire life. The night before ingesting this drug, I was going to kill myself yet was saved by a friend. This drug let me think clearly about what I really wanted to do with my life and what I really COULD do with my life. It restored my faith in myself and helped me rediscover the real me.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31554
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2007Views: 13,128
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Health Problems (27), Overdose (29), Hangover / Days After (46), HPPD / Lasting Visuals (40), Multi-Day Experience (13), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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