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My Life Explanation
Morning Glory & Salvia divinorum (20x extract)
Citation:   YM stigmate. "My Life Explanation: An Experience with Morning Glory & Salvia divinorum (20x extract) (exp31575)". May 1, 2007.

T+ 0:00
200 seeds oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 4:00 500 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
My name is YM. Yesterday I was with my two friends Vé. and Vi. We had plan to eat morning glory seeds and smoke some salvia. I wasn't prepared for what was to come.

The evening began like every evening we had together. We were talking, laughing, it's was fun. Then we took our morning glory seeds (that we're already in fine powder) and eat it with some stewed apple.

After that we were talking again but after about one hour we all began to feel dizzy and tired. I was feeling the beginning of my trip. We decided to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I was watching the movie and the only thing I was really doing was admiring this great story and all the details that made this movie a special one. During this I began to feel some electric pulsion in my brain, witch wasn't really funny for me because it was like switching on and off my brain and a kind of electric power was running all over my body for a second. This happen a few times.

After about 2h30 after ingesting the seeds, we were all smiling and laughing alot. My friend Vi ask me if I wanted to smoke the salvia I had bought the day before. I wasn't really mentally prepared to smoke the salvia so we wait about 1h30 more. This salvia was a 20x extract and we were very exciting to try it. We had smoke salvia couple of time before and had very intense moment.

I think I've put a little less than 0.5g in my waterbong. I took the hit and what comes next was a real shock to me. First, I started laughing because it was funny to see my two friend looking at me to see my reaction. Suddendly, I realised that I didn't know why I was laughing, and what's more, I didn't know what was 'laughing' at all! I saw the 3 dimensions become so clear, it was like looking 'god's creation' for the first time. I realised that I didn't know where I was and everything lost its signification. I was totally blown away into life. I understand everything I wanted to know about life and death. It was very intense to 'feel' life.

I always try to feel the feeling of being alive, but I never really feel it. I always concluded that I can't really feel that I'm alive because you are already alive. But in my trip, I was alive. My vision change and I was seeing an horizon, like if I was in the desert, and I was really in the desert. I become a peyote that was living in the desert. I was the flower of a little peyote. My friend Vi and Vé become other cactis that was interacting with me. I became a kind of link between the world totally different but at the same time, the 2 worlds were in the same.

I try to explain to Vé and Vi want was going on, but my mind was racing so much that langage had no signification. I was only 'feeling'. This goes for about 30 min. I then realise that the salvia wasn't going off. This make me feel a little anxious because I didn't plan that the salvia was going to stay in my mind for such a long time. I then realised that I had eaten some Morning Glory seeds, a fact that I had totally forgotten. I realised that it was the combination of the two that made my trip very intense.

Everything become mystical. Everything had a spiritual signification and I had The Answer that could explain all my question about life. I realised that death was the same then life and the only thing that matter was the Soul. Life is all about soul.
My friend Vi took his hit of salvia, which I was waiting for a long time. I couldn't wait to welcome him into this fantastic world of answers.

He took his hit and he immediatly change his face expression. He look confuse for a moment, then he look at me and start to laught like I never saw him laughing that much. His world was in connecxion with mine but we knew that they were totally different. He look at me and we knew that this trip was what we were looking for a long time.
Just to give a very good outline of what was my world, I could compare it to an episode of the Simpsons, when Homer eats some strange pepper and arrived in a desert where he sees alot of things. My world was this world, exactly the same, but my way.

Now it's about 6 hours after eating the seeds and the trip is steal very intense. I come down but my desert world stay for the rest of that night. At 4h am Vé and Vi left my house and I just continue to trip alone in my room. My room was perfect for that trip. I had put on my electric, twisted lamp on (which was a cactis at the horizon in my world) and my Disco lamp projected all the colors of life trought the walls. This gave a very intense ambiance. I also have two blacklights and a red bulb. The music was playing songs I never really listen to because I wasn't listening to that kind of music. It was a band call Juno Reactor, its some king of trance music, very intense and perfect for the trip I had. I now like that kind of music. The song that will always remember my trip to my world is call Acid Moon. My desert stay with me all the reste off the night. I went to bed a 5h55.

Anyway, after this trip, I will never see the world of life like before. Now, everything changes in my mind, for a very positive way. I understood the reason why I was using drug: I was searching answers about all kind of question that were haunting me since a long time. Now that I had this trip, I wont take drugs again, like I was doing. I will now stop taking drug for fun. I will only trip again for spiritual reasons.

This trip into me was the trip I was subconsciously waiting for and now that I had this trip, I am in peace with myself. A peace I have search for a long time. I now think that answers about spiritual question can be revealed through altered mind. To finish my story, I'll say like Vé told me before leaving my house : I have now lived my Personnal Legend (Paulo Coelho).

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31575
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2007Views: 7,739
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Salvia divinorum (44), Morning Glory (38) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3)

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