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Playing with My Wife's Hair
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue)
Citation:   Nicodemus. "Playing with My Wife's Hair: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue) (exp31616)". Nov 14, 2007.

9.0 g oral Morning Glory (extract)
During my life I've had numerous encounters with psychoactive substances including hemp, MDMA, LSD, mescaline, 'shrooms, and ketmine, but have only recently begun my journey of self-discovery. In a book I am currently reading, the author outlines a non-substance way of reaching altered consciousness. Also listed in the book are various plants that the author (and myself) considered much more preferable to chemicals. Morning Glories were one them.

My curiosity piqued, I went a local retailer and bought 10 packs of Heavenly Blues. Upon inspecting the seeds for the notoriously poisonous coating and finding they were black (the most common poison is a fungicide and from what I've read is purple or at least colored) and seeing no warning label on the package, I proceed. I put the seeds (approx. 315) into a blender and blended on high speed ('blend' on mine) for about five minutes. I took the resulting powder and added one cup of water. I let this stand for about 10 minutes, then put the now brownish green liquid back into the blender and mixed again. I then double-filtered it through a wire mesh coffee filter and then ingested the solution, which tasted a bit like unsweetened tea in my opinion, over a period of about one hour. I discarded the seed pulp.

T+.5h (10:00pm) Halfway through the solution. Tingling, lightheadedness. Sitting in my living room watching TV, I suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to play in my wife's hair. Regression? Already?

T+1h Finished the solution. I find smoking to be quite pleasurable, but not as much as when on MDMA. Slight nausea begins to creep up. I suspect that this occurred only because I used only water to filter the seeds, and I refuse to use Naptha because I have heard from very good authority and read that it is a poor substitute for the required ingredient, Petroleum Ether. I, however, am a naturalist and will deal with the nausea on my own because I refuse to add a chemical to this process. This is, of course, personal preference.

T+2h More pronounced tingling, visualizations begin. In my well-lit living room and my wife having gone to bed, I sat at my computer with my headphones on listening to whatever struck my fancy and watching visualizations. Nausea gone.

T+3h Visualizations intensify. My bathroom is interesting. The pattern on the floor is quite intricate, and viewing it produced an odd ghostly over-image almost superimposed on the original floor (which was still visible, but undulating) that started floating back and forth. A good half-hour was spent doing this. About this time, I encountered myself in the mirror. Another 15 minutes gone searching my face as if I'd never seen it. My pupils were quite dilated and seemed to be 'swimming around' in my cornea. I returned to the computer.

T+4h I felt good, and wanted to go outside, but it was dark and cold so I remained inside. More playing on the computer, closely inspecting and contemplating each individual cigarette I smoked. My mind wasn't racing, but very aware.

T+6h Felt like laying down, so I went to bed. Spent time staring at the cat, then my wife's shirt. After tracing every line and wrinkle I could find with my finger, I again felt the urge to play in my wife's hair. I drifted off to a wonderful, restful sleep.

I have a very strong stomach, and I can't even remember the last time I threw up. I did feel the nausea, however. The next morning I had a very mild case of diarrhea. However, although my stomach is next to impossible to upset, my lower digestive system is a bit more finicky. Other users may not experience this. I really don't think it was the seeds anyway. There was no hangover, no ill after-effects. A very good experience that I hope to duplicate using a much more thorough extraction process to reduce side effects and intensify the experience.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31616
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2007Views: 7,437
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), Preparation / Recipes (30), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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