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A True Disappointment
Morning Glory
Citation:   The_years_burn. "A True Disappointment: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp31622)". Jun 10, 2007.

5.4 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
I am writing this report on my experience with Morning Glory seeds just hours after I first chugged down that nasty seed potion. Let me start off this short essay with the atmosphere and means of preparation used for my 'trip' if you could even call it that:

At about 1 PM my friend T and I decided that it was time to try the morning glory seeds I had recently purchased from our local nursery. We had bought the 'Heavenly Blue' variety. Now would be an appropriate time to say that my only other experience with drugs has been marijuana, a slight vicodin mishap, and I drink seldomly. My drug experience is limited seeing as I am only 14 years old but I harbor an insatiable urge to try new drugs all the time so my idea behind taking MG seeds was for it to be a less intense gateway into other kinds of hallucinogens. Both T and I were very excited about having our first trip. We wanted it to be a comfortable and safe place so today my parents were gone all day and our plan was to drink the stuff and walk around the suburb that I live in.

So when T arrived at my house we began to wash the seeds we had set aside (6 packets between the two of us, each 1.8 grams) in warm water and dish soap. We proceeded to dry them with a paper towel and place them all in a coffee grinder which was quite effective in pulverizing the little black seeds. Once the seeds were ground into a fine powder we evenly distributed the dust into a cup and filled it with cold water. We drank our concoction which had no taste to me other than that of water. The horrible part was the texture of the chopped up seeds like sand coating my throat. At the time I drank the stuff it wasn't bad at all and I didn't mind the way that it had to be done, but for some reason, in retrospect I get sick when I think about the method of downing the seeds.

Immediately after I drank the seed water I took two pepto bismol pills in hopes that it would prevent nausea. Boy was I wrong. Only ten minutes later I could be found kneeling in front of the toilet vommiting like I never had in my life. It would seem logical that this process of throwing up would be extremely unpleasant but when I was finished I lay down on my bed with an intense euphoric feeling and saying to myself 'Its so good that my stomach is better, its so good to feel OK!!' T lay next to me on the bed and we decided that we were not going to walk around like we had originally planned. T refused to allow herself to throw up but eventually she had to give in and was wretching as well.

When we finally coaxed ourselves out of bed (or away from the toilet as it was for T) we walked down the stairs to watch some tv. Immediately I was overwhelmed by dizziness and a slight nausea returned to me. It felt as though the floor was sliding and I was fighting to remain upright as the ground was slanting back and forth. When we reached the couch I was exceptionally glad and collapsed immediately.

For the next hour I would lay on the couch in a comatose state feeling ill enough to be uncomfortable but not enough to gag again. T lay next to me trying to make conversation but I was far too out of it to respond to her and was slightly irritated at having to make the effort to speak. Things continued on like this for what was an hour but seemed like an eternity, occassionally I would feel as though my body were just some inanimate lump of clay and my mind were floating out above me. I could not bring myself to move for quite some time but eventually I made both T and I some enchiladas. Food unsettled my stomach a bit and T suggested that perhaps a jacuzzi would help us enjoy ourselves.

The jacuzzi felt unbelievaly nice and warm. I felt like I was envleloped by a blanket of comfort and safety when I got in. However, the pleasure of the jacuzzi faded fast and eventually just made me even more lethargic than I was to begin with. We decided to get out and by that point I was back to normal besides my pupils being the size of quarters and a lingering tired/light headed/dizzy feeling.

In conclusion, I consumed MG seeds with the hope that I would get some interesting visuals but through out my entire experience nothing in my field of vision changed even slightly. The only thing that was effected was my plummeting energy level. I have read many accuonts of MG users having successful trips and wonder why it didn't work for me. Perhaps because I threw up. Hmm, well in any case from my experience I do not recommend it. It made me disgustingly lethargic and nauseous and now 5 hours later I feel as if I am coming out of a serious fever mixed with the decline of a marijuana high. I'm still very dizzy and it is nearly impossible for me to concentrate. It has taken me much to long to write this simple report.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31622
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 10, 2007Views: 5,979
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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