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Dismemberment and the Right Plant to Heal
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Claire. "Dismemberment and the Right Plant to Heal: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp31648)". Jul 10, 2019.

22 g oral Mushrooms (fresh)
A couple of days ago I purchased 25g of Thai Mushrooms. The next day after saying the appropriate prayers to the mushroom spirits, my spirit guides and power animals, I cleaned them and ate most of them the night of the full moon (saturday). I left a small mushroom to be offered back to mother earth the next day.

For a while nothing happened and then I closed my eyes and was transported to a friends house in Brighton (I live in London). My friend was hunched over the computer working away and told me to fuck off as he was busy. I ignored his request and proceeded to give him a shamanic healing. Then I was with another friend, I entered her body and ended up looking out at the world through her eyes. I left her body and then we made love.

I think what happened next is that I went through a multitude of dismemberment experiences--I was swallowed and then spat out by giant beings. It took a while for me to be reassembled and at first I was given the wrong head back. Evil entities appeared and started laughing and mocking me for having inappropriate body parts. The Mushroom spirits told me that I had to lie still all night, without eating, drinking or talking and that I would only be reassembled in the morning. They told me not to go to the toilet as the guy I share a toilet with would also try to eat me. After a while they relented and let me be reanimated. Then I had a vision of a man on horseback who approached me with a sword. He pierced me in the stomach with it, then gave me a book containing knowledge about which plants to use to heal people with and the mushrooms said that in the future I should ask them what page to turn to in the book to find the right plant to heal people with. I was also presented with a sword, the ownership of which I rejected and given a new body of finest gilded metal, together with a lot of new mushroomy knowledge and a new tongue to replace the one that had been cut out at some point in the evening.

The mushroom spirits wanted me to undergo more dismemberment but I told them that I couldn't deal with any more that night
The mushroom spirits wanted me to undergo more dismemberment but I told them that I couldn't deal with any more that night
so they relented, realising that otherwise I would crack up. During the evening the mushroom spirits were communicating with me telepathically and they told me that I had to go into and merge with the wall. After doing this I got a glimpse of the mushroom spirit. He was a little man who closely resembled a mushroom and talked in a variety of voices (he sang like a virgin in a high pitched female voice and then started talking in a gruff northern accent).

By this point the experience began to subside and I cried a few tears. The rest of the night I lay awake feeling tired and energised and integrated the experience whilst becoming aware that the trees outside my window were being killed slowly by the vehicles driving by.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31648
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 820
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), General (1)

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