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Hyper Then Passed Out
by DXM
Citation:   DXM. "Hyper Then Passed Out: An Experience with LSD (exp31704)". Jan 20, 2018.

.5 hits   LSD
It was my first time. I took some really good shit. I got really hyper and talked more than I ever have in my entire life. I was also really loud and talked so fast that no one could understand me. I wasn't in any kind of controlled environment and there was nothing safe about where I was. I was with some friends though. I remember that I wasn't paranoid at all like some people are. In fact, we were walking down the street to a party. We all took the same shit, everyone was paranoid except me. Nothing too exciting happened at the party. On the walk home though I got really dehydrated. My friend took me to some guys driveway and I passed out. She got them to get some water. Some how they got me to wake up and I drank the water. I felt a lot better after that but it was really scary. I couldn't breathe very well and I got really dizzy. Also, the only kind of hallucination I had was while walking home (this was after I got dehydrated), a sign grew arms and pulled me towards it. I ran straight into the pole. That hurt like hell. I really like acid and have continued to take it. My only recommendations are that the user drink lots of water. Plus, it helps to drink something like orange juice as well.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31704
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 20, 2018Views: 1,191
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