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It was Really Nice
Citation:   Narcannot. "It was Really Nice: An Experience with Morphine (exp31817)". Feb 29, 2008.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 30 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 105 mg oral Morphine (pill / tablet)
Just thought I'd share my morphine experience from when I was a narcotic addict... I bought two sixty milligram morphine sustained release tablets and two fifteen milligram morphine immediate release tablets for $25 on Christmas day in 1999. I had been addicted to painkillers for two years, so I was extremely stoked to get my hands on so much morphine.

I took one IR 15mg. tab, expecting to get floored...two hours later, nothing. I then broke up the SR 60mg, and took half. A slight buzz in an hour. I thought, 'what the hell, this isn't working,' and took the rest. Whoa, damn! That definitely did the trick! It came on stronger and stronger, and I thought I had unwittingly taken a lethal dose. It finally plateaued at around four hours, but by that point I could hardly move or speak. My family must have wondered what the hell was going on, as I took five minutes to lift each fork-full of Christmas dinner to my drooling, slurring mouth...Hell, I wasn't hungry at all, but, at the same time, a plateful of shit would have been the best meal I had ever eaten because I was so high.

So, I experienced that blissful feeling for a good two days, and I wished it would never end. I can honestly say that morphine is the best of the pure opiate agonists - the euphoria is better than cocaine, sex, or skydiving. I once tried Pediagoric (tincture of opium), and a half a bottle of it was very similar.

However, it is dangerous, and it is extremely unwise to ingest that much morphine at once, unless you have a serious tolerance (I'm not talking 5-6 Percocets a day; more like 50-60... and Lortabs are candy for schoolkids...), a death wish, or a sitter who has IV Narcan and knows how to use it when you stop breathing. It also helps to get a narcotic dosage conversion table, which can be found in The Merck Manual or The Physician's Desk Reference.

Just for the record, right before I took those pills, I injected IV, two bags of what a then- 'chipper' friend called 'really good heroin...' I felt absolutely nothing, and he passed out off of one bag (He later died of an O.D. in a Krystal restaurant bathroom near Georgia Tech - opiates can kill you!). So, I cannot say it enough - just go burn a doob ... it is much safer and a lot more fun in the long run...

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 31817
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 29, 2008Views: 68,739
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Morphine (211) : Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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