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For Back Pain
Opium Poppy Tea
Citation:   Weebl. "For Back Pain: An Experience with Opium Poppy Tea (exp31887)". Mar 15, 2004.

6.0 g oral Opium (tea)
This would be my first pod experence, the pods I received thursday would be used. I ground up 1 turkish pod weighing 4 grams and 2 smaller unknown type somniferum pod 2 grams total. The reason of use was my back, which I hurt on a roller coaster and had chronic pain since. I boiled some water poured in a cup let it cool a while till it was just steaming and added the powder. Once it had sat 20 minutes I strained through a cheese cloth. The liquid was a dark amber color and smelled like green tea. To help the flavor/potentiate it I added some lemon juice. The final product tasted like lemon cool-aid powder mixed with a cup of green tea.

After 45 minutes I was very relaxed and I didnt feel the pain at all. When I stood it felt like I would vomit so I stayed laying down. The total length was about 4 hours before my back pain came back. Pod tea has had me addicted for 3 years but I am no longer addicted. My back has got better over time now it just has 'pain outbreaks' as I call them. These outbreaks do hurt just as bad but I have switched to medicinal marijuana to cure the pain.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 31887
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2004Views: 29,749
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Poppies - Opium (43) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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