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the Pucker Shaped Wormhole
Citation:   Donny Fantastic. "the Pucker Shaped Wormhole: An Experience with 2C-C (exp31896)". Mar 15, 2004.

T+ 0:00
  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:00 30 mg oral 2C-C (powder / crystals)
  T+ 7:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:59   oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 400 mg oral Pharms - Carbamazepine (daily)
6:00 I drop by my local yakitori shop for some half price skewers of grilled meat. Seeing as how its half price, I engorge. I invite my evening's companion, but he has already finished his dinner.

6:30 Engorgement completed, stuffed to the gills with various grilled bits of chickens, pigs, and wild Asian animals, weed wearing off from my smoke out 3 hours earlier, I head back to my place and await my companion.

7:15 Me and my companion, we will just call him, say, 'Companion', decide that 2c-c will be our drug of choice for the evening. I assess the situation, Companion and I weigh in at about 150 pounds each. We divvy it up. 30mg for me, 30mg for Companion.

7:30 The powder is mixed in with our poison of choice, a splash of water. 2c-c dissolves right nicely. Down the hatch! and a quick chaser of apple juice to erase the residue metallic flavor. A little man in my head is worried about the 400mg BID of Tegretol the doctor has prescribed me for epilepsy, but 12 years going with multiple hangovers, mushroom trips, meth, and various exotic Japanese chemicals have not a seizure produced, so that man's voice is weak. Besides, its too late.

7:40 Companion needs Doritos, this is not an affect of the 2c-c, but Companion always needs his Doritos, so we stock up, Doritos, water, snacks, and Pocari (Japanese Gatorade). The florescent haze of the convenience store doesnt faze me, and we are off for home.

7:50 Back home. Me and Companion ready the room. Its really a lovely environment. A soft dark glow of reds and purples bleeds through the the black white and yellow indian/asian tapestries draped across the ceiling, Soft pinpoints of light slowly fade in and out around the room. Jeff Mills, DJ Garth, Radiohead will be DJing for is this evening.

8:30 In our respective crash zones 'just in case', ...and what is that? Is that something new? Or is it residuals from the weed? Am I just a little sleepy? 'How do you feel, Companion?' Companion reports some slight visuals creeping in. I test myself with the geometrics of the tapestries overhead. I hold my sight in one point, testing to see if the geometrics become watery or not. I dart my eyes about quickly, and there it is. On the edge. On the peripheral of my eyes, theres some delay in peicing together the geometrics, but mostly things hold together.

8:45 Very sleepy, but no desire to sleep. Love and warm fuzzies and body highs and joyousness are creeping in. I want to call Special Lady Friend. I think her voice would be a lovely experience right now. I have to email her. But which is better? Call or email? Wait. Maybe I shouldnt. Maybe Special Lady Friend wouldnt be happy about my state. But wait, SLF takes her share of chemicals. She's a cool girl, right? But maybe I would really be bothering her if I called her. It's her turn to call me right? What is this? Is this leftover paranoia from the weed? That was about 5 hours ago. Is this a new paranoia? Fuck it, lets call her! Companion goes out to smoke, I call SPL. Her voice is nice, but I realize I have nothing of value to put into a conversation in a second language in my state, so the call is short.

9:00 There is no energy left. As I lay in bed, I am in a river. My higher, and more alert 'Safety Brain' is in control, so I know Im not really in a river, but yet gentle rocks and waves are taking me somewhere. All the while I am shrinking. But not by much. I would say I got about 10%-15% smaller. My hands, head, the inside of my mouth, everything is smaller. But its not too fear, because the world got smaller with me at a proportional rate, so I still fit. Of course, this can be explained by that pucker shaped wormhole that appears in front of me when I close my eyes. This explains my size. But I shouldnt keep my eyes closed too long or that wormhole will make me TOO small. Gotta keep it in balance with my eyes, open, close, open, close, keep it even. But have no fear, Safety Brain knows this is just a drug, i'm not really shrinking. So I've got no choice but to enjoy, which I do.

9:30 Companion comments strong visuals. Mine are limited to mere twitches here and there. Could be all the grilled meat I ate keeping the effect down a bit. Music is moving into me, it makes things want to move, but theres just no energy. Companion is full of energy. He asks me if my teeth hurt, and I realize we are both grinding our teeth; we forgot gum! We head to the convenience store. Its about 9:45. We walk down a dark alley, and the 60 hertz flickering of the florescent lights is accutely apparent in the shadows of the alley. My peripheral vision is sharp. This time the lights of the store do indeed cause some irritation. I have great trouble choosing 'just the right' gum. I realize my ability to read Japanese is gone. I am operating mostly on 'Safety Brain' mode, that handy little guy that takes over, puts me through the moves, pays for my beer, but doesnt know when to stop staring.

After about 10 minutes Safety Brain Time (maybe 1 minute real time) I choose 'just the right' gum. I turn and go to the cashier. We've never met, before, we dont even speak the same language, but I am full of love, and he is my friend. Safety Brain makes the purchase for me, and, except for my shaking hand, it goes off without a hitch. Well, one hitch. As I bite into a piece, Companion tells me I got nicotine gum. The one drug that makes me violently naseous is melting into my mouth. Survival Brain takes over, furiously spitting to cleanse away the hated nicotine, and back to try the gum purchase again, this time with success.

10:30 Lots of shaky nervous energy. Shaky. Grinding teeth. Need some weed. It helps to take off the edge off. Coming down. But the weed helps kick start it again. Lay down on the floor and let the light show of my room take over the last bit of visuals that I may have. But I dont have the energy to open my eyes. And as I close them that pucker shaped vacuum comes back and makes me smaller again. But this time by only about 5%.

11:30 very tired, Companion has much energy and visuals are going strong for him. The man on the horse on the ceilng tapestry becomes a racoon with a bazooka. But I dont see it. The only thing I can see is the pucker vacuum hole because Im too tired to open my eyes, but the pucker's effects are weakening, and I can now retain my proper size. Im back im the river, the music is taking me somewhere, but Safety Brain is too strong to let it happen. I decide alcohol is necessary, despite the 2c-c's shop owner telling me not to drink. Companion warns me that if something bad happens to me, he wont take care of me. But, upon reflecting the events of the week earlier as I took his puking, drunk, stoned uesless body home, he changed his mind. But the alcohol doesnt taste like the thing I need, so I stop.

This state of sleepy, restlessness continued for about 4 more hours. At about t 3:30 am I was able to sleep. But before this I took some multi vitamins, and drank some Pocari (sports drink, good for hangover prevention) . The next morning I awoke with a slight stomach ache and Companion had a headache, but a little bit of weed took care of it.

This is a relativley mild psychadelic at 30mg. Its enough for a nice body buzz and sensory impairment, but not too much for basic survival purposes. It was much like taking about 1.5 grams of mushrooms, without the emotional roller coaster and more Safety Brain control. A nice way to break into psychadelics, or just enjoy the evening.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31896
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2004Views: 16,343
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2C-C (262) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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