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Session 6: Battling a Demon, Magical Awakening
Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis)
Citation:   Catling. "Session 6: Battling a Demon, Magical Awakening: An Experience with Ayahuasca (B. caapi & P. viridis) (exp32018)". Mar 29, 2004.

80 ml oral Ayahuasca (tea)
Session 6:

This one is harder to write, and consequently, comes out more stilted. I feel more self conscious about this one than the rest, somehow...

Dosage: 80ml.

Battling a demon, magical awakening

The only thing noteworthy about the ride up was the lack of diarrhea. Which is noteworthy!

As the Ayahuasca came on, the persistent thought, 'they slipped an enemy agent in' kept bouncing around in my skull. I was initially somewhat annoyed by it, 'Come on, can the paranoid James Bond shit and lets get to whatever lies beyond, OK?' Since it was persistent I stopped growling and said, 'OK. More information, please?'

Once I stopped resisting, I got the image of one of the conference attendees. I pushed this away, but it kept returning. At this point whatever resistance I had to the scenario was left behind and I reached towards the person, seeing inside some kind of swirling, amorphous darkness... which had awareness, it turned towards me while still occupying the other person. My impression was of a demon and without thinking about it I called towards it (not actually out loud) 'Get OUT!' It didn't seem impressed, mildly surprised/annoyed, but not inclined to obey.

I tried a few more, with some rising force behind my words and then something inside of me broke open, something very old and wise and powerful in me woke up. I felt myself growing, rising out of my physical body until I stood much taller than normal, my 'feet' still inside of my physical body, which remained lying down. Flames began to dance around my fingertips, crackling energy. I was chanting in some unrecognizable language, the syllables filling my throat with a golden ball of magical energy which would then hurl at the demon.

I pulled it out of its host and held it, trying to see more of what it was, trying to understand it, trying to see where it came from. It took advantage of my distraction to try to slide into me, which was an odd feeling, my skin not feeling like my own for a minute. (this had switched back into being in my body somewhere after yanking it out) I reached into myself and hooked it, pulling it out and shredding it with claws of fire, shredding and burning, it dissolved into a shower of sparks in my hands. It was, for a minute, like holding a fireworks explosion in my arms, and then it was gone.

Met the attendee in the dark and we had a personal exchange. Pleasant.

I ran into A (one of the facilitators) a bit later and he said he could see the battle and its victory in my eyes.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32018
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 29, 2004Views: 11,022
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Ayahuasca (8), Banisteriopsis caapi (169), Psychotria viridis (170) : Group Ceremony (21), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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