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I Am Unable to Stand Up, Talk, or Anything
Citation:   Artus. "I Am Unable to Stand Up, Talk, or Anything: An Experience with Ketamine (exp32040)". Mar 15, 2018.

50 mg IV Ketamine (liquid)
I read a lot of weird and awful experiences online, so I thought that I should wrote what I do

I always take the same dose of ketamine 50 mg. IV. And I always have good experiences.

1. I am alone, or with something who don`t bother me at all (with 2 or 3 peoples not more)

2. Good music (relaxing one I really like metal music, but is a bad idea with this kind of music, there also bad music ideas: house, hip hop, or any music where the beat is to fast)
I have tried tv for weird experiences

3.VERY IMPORTANT: I am in confortable place, my bed or somethig like that. I like the the floor

4. Once I put the ketamine inside me, I have like 5 seconds to put out the needle and do all the rest

5. This is very strong drug, I am unable to stand up, talk, or anything but I am not affraid this is the good part

6. I have a lot of phisicall feelings, be I relax and enjoy it

7. Once the allucinations stop (like 10 minutes later) comes another state, I keep myself confortable, movement can cause pain in my belly, or my head (nothing really bad, but is not the idea)

8. I`m like 30 or 40 minutes under the ketamine effects after I are free to make myself a drink, smoke a cigarrette and think about my experiences

9. Sometimes I put ketamine 3 or 4 times in my body (the same way)

10. Sorry my english

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 15, 2018Views: 1,180
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Ketamine (31) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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