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Intense Focus, Slight Euphoria
Citation:   Wilhelm S.. "Intense Focus, Slight Euphoria: An Experience with IAP (exp32070)". Mar 22, 2004.

T+ 0:00
35 mg oral IAP (capsule)
  T+ 1:30 10 mg oral IAP  
  T+ 4:00 10 mg oral IAP  
Managed to get some IAP. Setting was pretty good - went out to party with some friends. Had some internal issues to work out.

t.0:00 - Took 35mg in a gelcap, carefully weighed out.
t.0:15 - First alerts -- I was on an empty stomach.
t.1:00 - Slight euphoric rush. Sort of like a small % of an mdma rush.
t.1:30 - Dosage bumped by 10mg.
t.2:00 - First get a chance to catagorize my mindset. _really_ awake! Head feels light. This is nice. Sort of like mdma without the rolling empathy vibes.
t.4:00 - Dosage bumped by 10mg.
t.5:00 - Plenty of energy for dancing -- but I don't have to. Not an uncomfortable energy. Feels like it's impossible to be bored. I test this by staring at the wall for a few minutes. I'm not bored! Not sure where my head is -- it's like my capacity to be bored has been turned off.
t.8:00 - Finally coming down slightly but I had a few hours left in me. Decide to take a sleeping pill to allow sleep.

Notes: This lasts a long time. Be prepared. It's also no substitute for mdma -- but might be a great tool for writing, etc, anything that required some intense concentration. This is not a plain old amphetamine. There is some great introspective healing inside of it -- but that's harder to capture in a trip report.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32070
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2004Views: 17,552
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IAP (280) : General (1), Club / Bar (25)

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