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Very Nice, Don't Go Overboard
Citation:   Goddog. "Very Nice, Don't Go Overboard: An Experience with Kratom (exp32093)". Mar 22, 2004.

14 g oral Kratom (tea)
I just recently got some Kratom from one of the few reputable Kratom sites that doesn't charge a ridiculous amount. I got an ounce for $15 with shipping. Dosage seemed to range from 5g of tea from dry leaves on upwards to as much as 50 grams. So I made the entire ounce into tea, adding lemon, boiling, straining, adding more watter and lemon. I did this three times, and boiled down the final amount to 550ml. A friend and I each started out drinking 200ml. This produced good effect. It reminded me ALOT of GHB, in the sort of energy, sociabalizing effects. The air had a very thick feel to it like a +1 psychedelic, or a little bit of weed (which I haven't smoke for a year, so there aren't any residual effects). We decided to drink the remainder and the positive effects continued until about the 3 hour mark. At this point, my friend noticed nausea and went home to get something to eat.

At about 3 and a half hours after initial consumption, I had a stomach ache and lingering nausea, but not intense enough to cause vomiting. I went to bed after an hour or so of stomach discomfort and mental confusion, much like taking a little too much GHB.

Looking back, I think that the initial 200ml should have been the stopping point. This is already probably around 10g of dried material. I would say that this dose would be very pleasant without any of the downsides. Though I would like to try again at a lower dose, and make sure that the negative aspects noticed were from over-consumption and not simply from 'coming down'.

Overall the most potent, enjoyable effect (not taking into account the later discomfort), obtained to date from a legally available herb. The only stronger one would be Salvia, which is not always pleasant.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32093
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 22, 2004Views: 16,599
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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