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Morning Boring
Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers)
Citation:   Gaius. "Morning Boring: An Experience with Morning Glory (Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers) (exp32264)". Nov 24, 2004.

9.9 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  2 tablets oral Caffeine  
I picked up 11 packs of Morning Glory seeds at 3 stores and of two varieties: 9 Heavenly Blue and 2 Flying Saucers. The packets ranged in weight from 1.4g to 1.8g and in price from 97 cents to $1.69 (oddly, the biggest packets (1.8g) cost the least (97 cents). The reason for the variation in brands/species was so that if I got some duds, hopefully they would be averaged out by others or different provenance. I had read that 100 seeds would produce an experience, 300 being the limit for a strong experience. So I decided that I would start with two packets, there being about 66 seeds per 1.4g packet, therefore about 130 in a 2.9g dose.

I washed them with soap and water, under the impression that they were coated with pesticide or fungicide that might upset my stomach. Then I chewed them for awhile, making sure that they were very much disintegrated and the LSA would be able to seep into my system.

My expectations were perhaps too high: I thought that this would be like taking a dose of LSD, that I would be fascinated by everything, amused by the texture of my carpet, talking to inanimate objects, and watching my clothes melt off my hangers and drip down to the floor. Besides this, I expected some deep introspection. About an hour passed, and I began to feel slightly odd. My stomach was a little upset, but this soon passed. I thought this was the beginning of the trip. In retrospect, it seems that any effects, which were basically that I felt slightly spaced out, and my vision seemed to have a redder hue, were psychosomatic.

After waiting an hour and a half with no definite effects, I consumed another two packs, this time 3.3g. To make the story short, during the next three hours I felt slight effects, possibly psychosomatic, but very far from any high or trip. There were hints of Closed Eye Visuals (CEVs), and perhaps very subtle ones, but as I said, this may have been all in my mind. Physically, I felt a little more relaxed. I grew tired of waiting and went to bed.

The next day I decided to try the experiment again with 6 packets (5 Heavenly Blue, 1 Flying Saucer) (9.9g, c. 465 seeds). I ground them up in a coffee grinder, mixed the powder with applesauce, and took two caffeine pills (Vivarin) to potentiate. An hour and a half later there were definite effects: slight paranoia (enjoyable), loss of inhibition, and a slight shift in perception of color. I thought this was the beginning of the promised acid trip, but alas, it was not. This turned out to be the peak of the experience, the effects lasted about 45 minutes, and then I was returned to normal.

That night, and the next day, my upper-inner thighs had a pain in them, very noticible. I believe this was caused by the seeds, as I had taken nothing else and had participated in no physical activity.

This is the extent of my experience. In short, I was not impressed. I may try it again, but am hesitant. I think I will move on to something else, and have ordered some Mimosa Hostilis bark and Syrian Rue.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32264
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2004Views: 21,401
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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