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We Were Doing Fine Until the Pot Came Along
Methylone & Cannabis
Citation:   Wilhelm S.. "We Were Doing Fine Until the Pot Came Along: An Experience with Methylone & Cannabis (exp32408)". Mar 31, 2004.

T+ 0:00
130 mg oral Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 50 mg   Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 30 mg   Methylone (powder / crystals)
  T+ 5:00 0.5 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
A fascinating substance -- sort of like surgically removing the empathy and energy from MDMA and enjoying the rest.

Consumed: 130mg, followed by 50mg, followed by 30mg. Cannabis (1/2 bowl).

t:0.0 -- Consumed 130mg Methylone carefully weighed. This is less than the general 150mg dose I've seen in trip reports but safety first. Another individual, M (female) took the same dose.
t:0.25 -- Whoa! Phenethylamine alert! Head feels very light. Like helium in the skull pushing at the sides. M makes comment, 'Is this E? 'Cause it feels like coming up on E.'
t:1.0 -- Proceed with 50mg bump. We are very talkative. Music is ok. No desire to dance at all. Mouth is REALLY DRY. This persists the whole night.
t:2.0 -- Now things are great. Good euphoria. Body waves (rolling). NO empathy. NO energy (lethargic, even). Those parts are missing. Solid +++ but this drug could not have a ++++. It's not part of its nature.
t:4.0 -- Proceed with 30mg bump. It's impossible to dance. We tried. The substance doesn't lend itself to activity. Communication is very liquid. Mouth is still dry as the desert! Interesting thought -- MDMA seems to force abject honesty (empathy?) while Methylone is missing that component and just allows communication to occur naturally.

t:5.0 -- M notices NO effect from bump. I notice slight effect if that. M and I split a bowl. Body load ensues. M feels very very very queasy and eventually needs a benzo to go to sleep. Not so bad for me but remember I have 60 lbs on her by body weight (and she consumed a bit more herb). In general the experience went downhill after the consumption of cannabis from a body load perspective.
t:6.0 -- Examining the downward descent: mentally it was OK, I guess, but I would have skipped the cannabis in hindsight.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32408
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2004Views: 30,649
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