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Delirium Overload
Citation:   Jaymz. "Delirium Overload: An Experience with Datura (exp32485)". Aug 27, 2006.

60 seeds oral Datura
I consider myself a psychonaut, but nothing could have ever prepared me for the 16 hours after I took the Datura. This is THE most powerful hallucinogen I have ever experienced. I didn't even know it was possible to trip like this. This is put together with bits and pieces of my trip I have remembered over the past 3 years.

My friend K and I had been given the task of housesitting my friend C's house while she and her roommates went to a rave in South Carolina. We house sat, smoked bud, and did whatever else it is that we did. When C arrived the next day, she gave me a little baggie filled with tiny black seeds in a crimson liquid. I asked her what it was, and she told me it was Jimsonweed seeds. Now, I had no idea what that was. I know that I was very stupid for taking them without researching first. She said it was enough to make about 4 people trip nuts. Now, I thought that C's version of tripping nuts might have been a little different than mine, so K and I split the seeds up the best we could. I would say that we had about 60 each. Datura may be legal, but that does not mean that it is weak, or safe.

K and I were feeling fine about a half an hour after taking seeds, so we decided to go to my house for some reason. We went to my house, and we started to feel extremely drunk. We laid down on the floor for hours and didn’t say anything. I didn't feel like I was tripping at all. Somehow, I don't remember how, we got back to C's house and we feel asleep. When I awoke, I was feeling very strange, but not like I was tripping. God bless Bethany, my girlfriend at the time she took my keys and drove me home. I got home and as soon as I walked in the front door that's when it hit me and it hit me really hard. (Note: I would say that this is about 6 hours after I took the Datura.) I was still living with my mother at the time and she knew that I was fucked up. I just told her that it was Acid. My mom is cool, she knows that I have taken Acid and smoked weed and done a whole lot of Pharmaceuticals.

So I went off to my room and I checked my e-mail. (I don't know how it does it, but it makes me forget that you are under the influence of a drug. Furthermore, everything seems extremely real. More real than reality, however weird that sounds.) So, I'm checking my e-mail....and all of a sudden a miniature version of myself appears on top of my monitor. I talked to my miniature self for a little while, and got some insight on why I do the things that I do.

All of a sudden, our surreal conversation is interrupted by a commotion outside the apartment. I went and opened the door, and there were literally hundreds of people that I had known at one point in my life. (my mother was in bed by this time) I let them all in....there were people from my past that I had forgotten about, and there were new friends as well. It was very strange, but that's not even the beginning. So we are all just chilling in my room, having conversations about things. All of a sudden, these people were getting very loud, so I kicked everyone out. Somehow, several of the people I kicked out made their way back into my room. People were appearing on one corner and while I was talking to them, they would disappear and reappear on the other side of my room. This was getting very aggravating. It was completely out of control. All of a sudden my friend Superman appeared. I went to shake his hand, but felt nothing. (once again, everything seems extremely natural on Datura.) I was discussing something with Superman, and he said 'Hey Jaymz, you want to see something cool?' I obliged, and Superman went to the center of my room. He pulled a 9-foot cross and a midget out of his pocket.

The midget began to crucify him. When the midget was done, he jumped back into my friend's pocket. Superman looked directly at me, said 'hey, watch this...', tilted his head back, and exploded into ashes. I was freaking out! I went and got a platter and gathered all of the ashes onto the platter. I took them to the kitchen sink and ran water on them, and a new Superman grew right out of my sink. He said 'wasn't that cool?' Then there was the guy with the chick-fil-a cup for a head. This guy kept on dying, decaying, and being reborn in random places in my room.

By this time, I'm getting really annoyed, so after he died for like the 50th time, I took his bones and was going to throw them outside, but his bones decayed to nothing before I could get them to the door. Superman saw that I was getting very annoyed, so he said a few magic words and the guy disappeared, and didn't come back. I have a 7 foot tall tiki man type thing. It is a cd rack. He started to come to life and he and Superman were dancing around my room, this was getting to be way too much, so I invited both of them to go on a walk with me.

So Superman, the Tiki Guy, and I were on a walk. I have no earthly Idea where we went, but I lost them somewhere along the way. I came back to the house and noticed that my mother's car wasn't there...the sun was up, she must have been at work, I thought. I took my keys out to unlock the door, but they dissolved into a liquid in my hand. Come to think of it, almost everything I touched that night dissolved into a liquid. So I took out my I.D. and tried to break into my house. I tried for a long time and I finally realized that I was at the wrong apartment. I was at 904 instead of 304. So I went over to my apartment and the door was unlocked, so I went in. I sat down, and Bethany was there waiting for me.

We had a long conversation and then my phone rang....It was Bethany...I looked over to the bed, and she was slowly fading to nothing. I was back together by this point, so I talked to Bethany for a minute and told her what had happened and how I had the most fucked up experience of my life the night before, and how everything seemed so real. Oh yeah, about apartment 904, the lady that lives there brought me my I.D. and said that it had been left in her door. I wasn't even about to try to explain that one.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 32485
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 27, 2006Views: 10,341
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Datura (15) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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