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A Kinder Gentler Acid
Citation:   RedRabbit. "A Kinder Gentler Acid: An Experience with 2C-E (exp32503)". Apr 3, 2004.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral Diphenhydramine  
  T+ 0:59 20 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 2:30 1 cup oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 0:59 1 cig. smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
First off let me say that I can't be sure about the exact dosage I took. I have a scale that is accurate to .1 g (100mg), so I weighed out 100mg, divided the pile in 4 by eye, and then took just a tad off that pile. It was easier to divide the pile by 4 instead of 5, because I can just divide the pile in half twice. I know this isn't the greatest way to measure a dosage, but I was willing to take the risk. I am fairly confident the dose should have at least been between 15 and 25 mg.

Secondly, I am a fairly experienced psychidelic user; LSD, Mescaline, Mushrooms, DXM, and of course Canibus. I have had my share of unpleasant experiences, so I was fully prepared I felt to take a strong dose of a chemical I have never tried before, 2C-E. Even then I was a bit nervious so I took 50mg of Diphenhydramine prior to dosing to relax me a bit. I had a full meal 2 hours prior to dosing.

My mind set for this trip is half recreational / half self exploration. With the exception of DXM, I have't done any tripping in 10 years. LSD and the like seemed to have lost their magic for me. With the opportunity to try something new, I felt the time was right for some more exploration. I have always considered the mind the 'other' final frontier.

t+00:30 - I feel a slight 'body buzz', just barely though.

t+01:00 - Ok, now I feel that familiar 'trippy' sensation. My body feels warmer, slighty tingly, I feel heavier, it's still somewhat mild though. I'm wondering if I took enough, but I quickly dismiss any idea of redosing. I don't think I could accurately weigh anything at this point anyway. Oh well, we will see where it goes.

t+01:30 - Now I am definitely tripping. The 'body buzz' has become very strong now, but not unpleasant really, in fact its kind of nice. Visuals have started to kick in, though they are mild at this point. I am about half way though a movie I am watching, 'Altered States', which I have seen before. I have a whole line up of movies planned out for the night. I chose 'Altered States' first because I didn't really feel like watching this anywhere near the peak of my trip. Always be careful about what you watch when on a psychedlic. To this day I will never forget watching 'The Wall' at a midnight showing in the theaters, while I was peaking on some very strong Window Pane (LSD). Though I don't regret it, it was one of the most powerful experiences of my life, and not at all pleasant.

t+02:00 - Hello 2C-E! I am glad I did not redose at this point, I am still coming up and tripping heavily. Walking around is tricky, though I have managed to make it down stairs and make some coffee. The visuals are very strong now, surfaces/textures are in constant motion. Things seem slightly out of proportion, warped, or otherwise just different. This might have been cooler, if I hadn't seen this stuff many times before on LSD and the like. So far this is very much like LSD for me, virtually indistinguishable. Making coffee seems to take forever, though in actualality it takes me maybe 5 minutes.

t+02:30 - We're off to see the Wizard, yes, the Wonderful Wizard of Oz, becuase, becuase, well... it just seemed like the thing to do I guess. Like I said I had planned out 5 movies ahead of time. I find that if try to make decisions about what to watch while I am already under the influence, its VERY difficult to make a discision and I don't always 'feel' like I make good choices about what to watch or listen too. I am glad that I have my pre-chosen movies set up.

t+03:00 - Yes, Toto, we are defintiely over the rainbow. I am still coming up, but I can also feel a sort of platue coming on. Though I am tripping fairly hard, I kinda hoped for a little more. But it was better to error on the side of too little with a new drug then too much. Anyway, Dorothy, Toto and I are definitely in Oz now. I've seen this movie many times before, like most of us, and yes I have also done the Dark Side of Oz thing. I almost threw in the Dark Side, but then I just felt like keeping things light. I don't think I ever really really payed attention to all the dialog in this movie before, or at least thought about it. There is some pretty strange dialog, for example when the Wizard finally gives the Tin man his heart, he says something like, 'Remember the size of man's heart is not judged by how much he loves, but how much he is loved by others.', I don't know if that is word for word but it is close. I thought that is kind of an odd thought. There are lot of lines like that, that when you think about them, they are well... odd. I spent a lot of time analysizing the movie as I watched. Why is the movie so popular? What does it teach our children? There is a lot of fraudian type symobolism, metephors of life in there. What does it tell me about my life?

t+04:30 - The hills are alive with the sound of music. I make another cup of coffee, sitting at my window ledge stairing out into the cool rain of the night, I smoke a cigarette and listen to the echoes of traffic in the distance. Nothing in my vision stays still. The branches of the trees seem to be alive like seaweed floating in the ocean. Interesting, but nothing new to me, again very LSD like. I have definitely reached my peak, if not passed it. I feel like I could just sit and stair out the window for hours, or at the carpet, or at my newly faux painted walls (a combination of Mystic Seaport Green and Sheen River - which I call Mystic River). I decide it is definitely a cool texture for tripping. But I don't want to sit and stare at the walls, so I start my next movie, The Sound of Music and wonder what life lessons might be in store for me there.

t+06:30 - I'm still tripping pretty heavily, though I can feel my self coming down. Still a lot of visuals, but less so than before. The same with the 'body-buzz'. I have seen the sound of music several times before, once when I was very young, and a couple times very recently. I got the urge to purchase the DVD after seeing 'Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas' while I was on DXM. What's the connection? Watch and see. Seeing this movie, 'The Sound of Music', on a psychedelic drug is much more intersting than straight, as you would expect. It's funny the things I pick up on, that I might normally not. The thing that stood out most while watching this was the beautiful backdrops and scenery. Then there is the plot of the movie it self, on the one hand you have this soft, warm and fuzzy love story, but it all occurs under the very dark cloud of WWII in Austria. Such completely contrasting emotions, Love and Hate.

Well, time for the next movie. I almost couldn't remeber what I had put in, (I have one of those 5 DVD disc players). Oh yes, Moulin Rouge. I have seen this movie before as well. Now this was freeky, because the story opens with the theme from the Sound of Music! I swear I hadn't remebered that when I chose the movies to watch. One has to wonder of course if there was some unconcious influence there, otherwise what a freeky coincidence. Something like that always seems to happen to me when I take psychedlics. Some weird coincidence that reminds me of the connectedness of all things, the One-ness. The cinamotography in this movie is great when your straight, but are out of this world when your tripping. Highly recommended.

t+09:30 - I'm pretty much completely down now, and very tired, its about 7:30AM. I had the movie 'Waking Life' lined up next, but I decide to just go to sleep.

t+18:00 - I sleep fairly normally, and writing this now after about 8 hours of sleep, I feel pretty much normal, no 'psychedlic hangover' really to speak of. It was overall an enjoyable experience. I felt it was very similar to LSD, but I also felt more at ease, more in control of my self. I suppose this is good or bad, depending on what your looking for. For recreational use, it may be a very good choice, for self exploration, useful, but not as much so as other drugs maybe. Of course it is possible that I didn't take as much as I thought. Judging from my very subjective view of the 'body-buzz' and visuals I expereinced compared to previous psychedlics I have taken, it felt like a strong does, but this is my first phenethylamine (I have never done Ectasy), so maybe I am judging it unfairly. I was hoping for a little more in the way of 'deep thoughts', religous/spiritual experience, self insight type stuff. Maybe I needed a higher dose, maybe it just wasn't the right time for such an experience. I still have quite a bit left so I will probably try a higher does in the near future and give it another look.

I actually have another drug I am going to try tonight, 4-HO-DiPT, which is a shorter lasting but intense tryptamine. From what I have read this might have more of what I am looking for currently, in the way of personal insight.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32503
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 3, 2004Views: 15,956
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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