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Skating Trip
Morning Glory
Citation:   Morning Glory. "Skating Trip: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp32506)". Nov 16, 2007.

T+ 0:00
18 g oral Morning Glory (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Last night I ingested 18 grams (10 packs) of LSA-containing morning glory seeds. I've read all the reports, etc., and heard people say that LSA is like a cheap form of acid, or a weak mushroom trip, etc. Well, I figured I'd take the drug to its limits and see just how far it went, and I must say I was quite pleased. This was my 6th drug trip, which followed one LSD trip, one DXM trip, and 3 mushroom trips. It was about 2 am when I finished grinding the morning glory seeds into a cup, at which point I ate all the powder and made a note into my tape recorder. At this point, 3 of my friends with me were one their 3rd hour of a good mushroom trip, and we were all very high.

After about 10 minutes I started to feel very nauseous, so we smoked a bowl and I took some peptobismal. Well, the awful taste of the peptobismal started to make me feel more nauseous and I drank a lot of water. A few minutes later, I was bent over a toilet puking. Oddly, I only puked up water and some peptobismal, but none of the ground seeds. We all went outside to have a cigarette and I was experiencing some very slight trip effects. After about 10 to 20 minutes more I started to feel the trip really coming up on me and I was experiencing a lot of anxiety. I have never had a bad trip, and I was feeling a little scared about this one for some reason.

I got up and had to puke again, so I walked over by some trees by myself and started throwing up. As soon as I puked intense visuals came on and the grass and trees were moving/behaving very similarly to mushroom trees and grass. I had a sense like I was puking up blood (enhanced by the slight pink of the peptobismal) and the trees in the field started bleeding. It was very visually intense and almost disturbing, but beautiful in that sense. We decided to go to a skate park to smoke another bowl after about 30 minutes of hard tripping. I started to realize that I was just coming up, and started to talk about my trip with my friends on mushrooms, while were on the way to the skatepark in the car. This was about 3 a.m.

My friend Andrew was on an 1/8 of shrooms but had somehow managed to avoid any visuals for the entire trip. During our 20 or so minute conversation in the car we were able to bond in ways we never had before, describing our trips and the thoughts in our mind, so it got to the point where I could say one sentence but with my mind communicate an entirely different idea, and Andrew could understand my subliminal communication to the letter. This amazed us, as we were both confirming verbally what we were communicating subliminally.

We arrived at the skatepark and I decided to freestyle walk on the different bowls in the skatepark. I realized I was very functional and had a sense that I could do amazing things. I started jumping really high off the edge of the lips and grabbing my feet and doing different pumps and tricks. I was surprised at my ability to perform such feets, and my friends were all very impressed. I felt that the LSA really hightened my abilities. We sat in the bowl and smoked a bowl, which was our original plan, and talked about our trips, without tape-recording. During this time, Brad, Andrew, and I were able to connect very personally in our trips and read each others trips and commentate on what each other was seeing/experiencing. Our 'trip guides', our two sober friends, even told us that at times during our conversation, they could visualize the same things we were seeing or feel what we were feeling even though they did not have the heightened ability of the drug.

After returning home, we smoked a few more bowls and recorded some more trip-notes into the tape recorder to better remember the events of the evening, at which point everyone went to bed. I was only on my 3rd or 4th hour, so I returned to my room after a while and laid in bed and tripped until I fell asleep probably around an hour later. I had about 10 more hours of intensely rich and visual dreams (which felt exactly like being awake) before being awoken at 3:00 pm (around 12 or 13 hours after experiencing onset effects.) I found the others and smoked a bowl. After smoking visuals returned and even now I am experiencing very mild visuals nearly 18 hours after ingestion.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32506
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 16, 2007Views: 6,037
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Morning Glory (38) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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