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Use Only as Prescribed
Salvia divinorum (5x extract)
Citation:   RedRabbit. "Use Only as Prescribed: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (5x extract) (exp32580)". Nov 17, 2007.

150 mg smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 5x)
If you've never tried this drug before, read this carefully.

I've spent the last three days experimenting with several different psychedelic drugs. First there was 2C-E, then the next day 2C-E + 4-Ho-DiPT. My motivation has been somewhat recreational, but also self exploritory. I'm just looking for answers to a question I can even describe at this point in my life. I guess I'm looking for meaning. Anyway, I was going to call it quits for the time being, but it just happens that my 2g package of Salvia Divinorum x5 extract arrived today. Since I was left somewhat unfulfilled by my experiences thus far, I spent the day reading about and contemplating trying out this supposedly very powerful and all together different drug. Finally, I decided to go for it.

I carefully measured out three piles of this extract. 2 piles with 1/16 of a gram and one pile with 1/8 of a gram. I took the warnings and advice regarding first time use of this drug seriously so my intention was to be very careful and start with small doses, and work my way up if necessary. First I smoked one of the piles of 1/16 of a gram. Waited a couple minutes. Nothing. Then I smoked another pile of 1/16 of gram of gram. Waited a couple minutes. Nothing. So then I smoked the pile of 1/8 of a gram. Waited a couple of minutes, Nothing. :-( What the hell. I just smoked a total of 1/4 of gram of x5, standardized from a reputable source, and felt nothing but the slightest and I mean very slight head buzz.

Alright then, I measured out 1/2 a gram and threw it in the bowl. I took a hit and ...whoa.. now I feel something, should I take another hit? I could feel the power of the drug rushing through me, I quickly decided 'no' and went to set the bowl down on the floor. I just barely managed to do that and lay back in my bed. This is maybe 30 seconds of elapsed time since I took the hit. Now I am laying the bed and I am basically paralyzed. I don't know if it was psychological or real, but it didn’t matter at the time, as far as I was concerned I was unable to move a muscle.

I was suddenly struck with absolute terror at my situation. Oh shit am I scared. Being suddenly paralyzed and by your self is no fun. I am sure the drug, along with my anxieties about trying it, only intensified this feeling. Somewhere among this horrible feeling I was at least thankful that I chose to be sitting on my bed when I did this. There was no real break from reality, nothing in my room changed, I didn't forget where I was, or what I had just done. Except, I did have this very weird delusional thought which seemed to just hover there in my consciousness. I couldn't help but think that 'THEY' had set this all up to teach me a lesson. Like 'THEY' had conspired and planned all along to trick me into using this drug and there by teach me a lesson, in a punishment sort of way, like there that will teach you to play around with psychedelic drugs. In recollecting this experience, which really only lasted maybe 2 to 3 minutes, I think I also felt hurt by 'THEM', like this was very cruel trick to play on me. Trying to explain who 'THEY' are is not so easy, in fact it is quite impossible. Somehow at the time of the experience, 'THEY', seemed perfectly normal to think about. I just knew who 'THEY' were and 'THEY' knew who I was. After the 2 to 3 minutes of either imagined or real paralyzation, the fear quickly subsided, and I felt I could move again if I wanted to.

After verifying that I could indeed move again by moving my arms and legs a bit. I just continued laying there for 20 minutes, recovering psychological from what just occurred and thinking about what had just happened. Looking at the experience now from a sober perspective, I believe I just experienced for a few minutes what it feels like to be a severe paranoid schizophrenic. Needless to say not fun, and do not believe enlightening, except in that fact that is truly one drug never to be toyed with lightly. I may or may not ever try this again, and I doubt I will ever try it alone again.

Finally, regarding my stated dosage of .15 mg, that was the dose of my final hit, which was several minutes after I had smoked the initial .25g . I have read that with using this drug for the first time there can be a period of initial ineffective doses before you feel anything, which I would say seems to be true. I calculated my last dose in the following way, since I had started with exactly 2 grams, and smoked precisely .25 grams prior to the 'final hit', I dumped the rest of the unsmoked stuff in the bowl back in to the rest of my supply, and weighed 1.6 grams, so 2 - 1.6 -.25 = .15 grams. I don’t even want to imagine right now what I might have felt had I taken a slightly bigger hit on that final bowl.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32580
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 17, 2007Views: 17,233
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Salvia apiana (398) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Bad Trips (6), First Times (2)

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