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Amazing Combination
Nutmeg, Sassafras, Coffee, Alcohol & Cannabis
Citation:   Self Deconstruction. "Amazing Combination: An Experience with Nutmeg, Sassafras, Coffee, Alcohol & Cannabis (exp32591)". Erowid.org. Nov 10, 2007. erowid.org/exp/32591

T+ 0:00
30 g oral Nutmeg (liquid)
  T+ 0:00 19 g oral Sassafras (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   oral Coffee (liquid)
  T+ 3:00 28 oz oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 8:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
The night before was consumed 20mg methadone, 4mg chlorpheniramine, 650mg acetaminophen and lots of prime indica. The effects of the methadone still being felt upon introduction of new chemicals.

16oz beer consumed earlier the day in question, the effects gone by time of ingestion. 30gm ground nutmeg washed down with sweetened coffee/vanilla mix, 19gm sassafras w/coffee vanilla mix, 2tsp dried parsley flake(1-2gm?) w/coffee mix. About 3 hours after ingestion 28oz of beer consumed(slowly). Just after this last bit of alcohol the real effects begin to take hold.(sweetener contains phenilalanine)

It started with pleasently euphoric stimulation for roughly two hours before the real mental effects began to show. Free flowing highly focused thoughts, creativity sparked writing flows smoothly almost no effort what-so-ever, feel very happy. Still highly stimulated, this lasted the whole time 12 or more hours. Some 8-9 hours after ingestion 2-3gm prime indica smoke resulting in intense visual phenomina for 4-5 hours. Body feels great light and fuzzy, faintly akin to mdma but not the same.

Roughly 14 hours after effects begin, still stimulated but ready for sleep. Lay back enjoying a most magical view of a valley with eyes closed, open eyes to a darkened room, still see the valley I was looking at. Drift off to sleep with no problem, lots of vivid dreams. Wake the next day to morning coffee, brings back stimulation from the previous night. Pleasently stimulated again, but the body feels like about the 2nd or 3rd hour of an oxcodone buzz, very nice. A lot different than a regular nutmeg hang over, much nicer. Later in the day more prime indica smoked, brings back some of the mental/visual pleasentries. Second day after back to normal.

Usually with nutmeg or sassafras alone I experience side effects, mainly headache, but there were no unpleasent side effects experienced with this combo, save for a slight tension of the back muscles at times. But this was not at all unpleasent. Overall it was much more enjoyable than nutmeg or sassafras alone. I believe uping the dose of sassafras and parsley just slightly would have been better, but with the addition of the indica it was just right for me.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32591
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2007Views: 32,668
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Nutmeg (41), Coffee (173), Sassafras (390), Cannabis (1) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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