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Recipe for Dreams
Kava, 5-HTP & Melatonin
Citation:   Pychotropic. "Recipe for Dreams: An Experience with Kava, 5-HTP & Melatonin (exp32634)". Dec 30, 2004.

35 drops oral Kava (extract)
  300 ug oral Melatonin (pill / tablet)
  50 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (pill / tablet)
I have recently been experimenting with various substances to treat my Anxiety disorder. Namely Kava, taken in form of an Extract (Tincture). On a particularly Anxious evening I decided to ingest around 35 drops of my Kava Extract, as well as ingesting 1 300mcg tab of Melatonin and 1 Cap of 50mg 5-HTP.

I had been in a very unrestful anxious, state much of the day, as I am much of the time. I wasn't on any prescription medication for anxiety not having took any for over 2 months. This was adequet to cleanse myself of the SSRI I was taking.

I ingested the substances around 9:00 PM and within 20 minutes began to feel effects. The most notable was a very nice relaxed, calm state of both mind and body. This led me into a state of warm euphoria, nothing like a hard drug, but enough to cherish. I liken the feeling to say 1 Soma or 1 Vicoden.

At around 10:30 PM the drowsines won over my faculties and I retired to my bed. Oddly enough it took me around 45 Minutes to fall asleep. During this time I continued to feel very relaxed and at ease. I slipped off to slumber unknowingly. Waking up the next morning at 6:30 AM almost void of any after effects I was filled with memories of vivid dreams.

I could recall vivid states of intense euphoria, though I couldn't recall what actually felt good about it. Just that I had felt that way. There were no definite story lines to note, but a memory of vibrant images. Mostly scenes with colorful sets, familiar faces. It all seemed very real.

In retrospect I figure half dosing the Kava, and maybe excluding the 5-HTP would have allowed me to be more conscious of the dreams. I recommend these combinations to the explorers of the dream realm. While these substances are relativily safe, remember to read precautions, educate yourself, and use common sense. Milage may very!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32634
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 30, 2004Views: 41,479
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Kava (30), Tryptophan - 5-HTP (196), Melatonin (94), Dreams (85) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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