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Attitude Change
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   Entreprenegro. "Attitude Change: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp32718)". Sep 14, 2006.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 10 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
I own my own business, but couldn’t seem to get work done consistently. I'd have these bursts of productivity, but couldn't always stay on track. Thinking it might be ADD, I went to a doctor who brushed me off. I read more and more about ADD and composed a “script” to go by when I went to the next doctor. Everything in my 'script' was true, I just wanted to ensure that the doc didn't zero in on any particular detail and dismiss my story based solely on it.

At the end of my 1-hour evaluation, my doc whipped out his pad and prescribed me Adderall XR, the newer time-released version. I went to the pharmacy immediately and had it filled.

My prescribed dosage was as follows:
- one 30mg tablet in the morning 30-60 mins before breakfast
- one 10 mg tablet 5 hours later, before lunch

Adderall is like nothing I've ever experienced. I knew it was working when my fingers and toes started tingling. Tasks requiring me to stay focused for long periods of time became much easier, I was blown away.

For instance, I had been reviewing my draft patent application after my attorney completed it. It was 35 pages long, with another 20 pages of diagrams and charts. The thing was crammed with technical detail. Before, it would take me a week to review this monster and find anything that my lawyer had left out. After taking Adderall, I zoomed through the entire 55-page application in one 2-hour sitting, picking out the smallest of details, posing questions about remote possibilities that my lawyer had overlooked. He was impressed. I was amazed.

Now I'm writing software at 3-4 times the rate I was before. Reading intense 'Harvard Business Review' articles and retaining what I read. I'm attacking problems that overwhelmed me before like fixing my credit. I'm reading through pages and pages of federal statues regarding my rights as a consumer and *retaining* the information that I read.

Everything about Adderall isn't good though. Sometimes I find myself snapping at people who don't deserve it. A guy was constantly parking his car in front of my house, then going to work across the street. It’s been pissing me off for some time, so I finally confronted him - yelling at him as I followed him down the street. I sometimes snap at telemarketers as well. Maybe I was bound to do these things anyway.

I've been on the medication for 3 months now, and have a fear that I'll feel like I need it to get anything done. I've went a day without taking my meds a couple of times, and boy was there a difference. I was depressed, apathetic and just slept all day. I wasn't that way before I started taking this stuff. My tolerance is only going to increase and sooner or later this stuff isn't going to work the same way for me.

I'd better use this time to not only get work done, but gain some coping skills to deal with my ADD(?) on my own before I'm facing the same problem later, now with no available solution.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32718
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 14, 2006Views: 11,487
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Amphetamines (6) : Various (28), Depression (15), Medical Use (47), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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