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The Voyage
Citation:   North Atlantic. "The Voyage: An Experience with Tramadol (exp32856)". Jun 26, 2007.

  repeated oral Pharms - Tramadol (pill / tablet)
What follows is an overview of my experience with taking tramadol rather than a specific voyage on the tram. I usually take a dosage of anywhere between 200-400 mg, although I find the higher end to be a bit unnecessary. Not necessarily overwhelming, but 4 50 mg pills will put me in a nice place.

First off, my favorite euphemism/slang term for doing tramadol is 'riding the tram.' Wooo, I'll always get a kick out of that one.

In my experience, tramadol induces a feeling of well-being and optimism towards most things in my life. Tramadol and I have a nice fellowship.

I live in San Diego, and as such, tramadol is readily available across the border at a very cheap price ($20/50 50mg pills, and even that's negotiable). My experience in riding the tram has been fuggin' excellent. I find it to produce a slightly different effect from real opiates (tramadol is not an opiate) which I've done (percocet, vicodin, & some others which escape my mind at the moment).

In all honesty, I've never had a bad experience with tramadol. I've taken 8 50 mg pills at a time with no side effects. Tramadol has induced vomiting in some of my friends who have boarded the tram with me, but usually only when taken on an empty stomach. For me, nausea never comes. I'm lucky, I suppose.

I'll make a quick list of fun activities on tramadol:

1. Walking around. I've found that walks are great on tramadol. It's hard to express. I've walked around for an entire tramadol trip before (about 8 hours total). I loved every second of it.

2. Conversation. I've found that tramadol opens up the mind a bit, as well as erasing social precariousness.

3. Smoking cigarettes. For some reason, smoking cigarettes kicks the high back in and augments it. I can chain smoke for hours on this stuff.

4. Lying down and closing my eyes. I've found that tramadol induces dreamlike visions. Closing my eyes for half an hour on tramadol is immensely refreshing. I’m put into the dream state, yet I’m completely aware of what's going on around me. Additionally, tramadol gives me the best god damned night's sleep I've ever had. While recently at a friend's house on tramadol, I passed out at around 3 am and woke up at about noon. I didn't sleep at all, yet after approximately 9 hours of this dream-like state, I felt incredibly rested and content. I can sleep for 4 hours and feel like I've slept 10 hours while not languid or sluggish in the least. Rather, I wake up with an alacritous view on life and the coming days, weeks, months, and years. Unfortunately, I also end up missing the high. Luckily enough, I have a strong will power and I can stand being without tramadol. But that's not saying that there is no potential for addiction, because there is.

5. Having a couple beers. I've found that 2 or 3 beers puts me in a nice place, while not being too fucked up.

6. Going to school! Truth be told, I'm still in high school. I'm graduating in about 2 months, and I feel that I can't learn anything more in that urine-soaked hellhole (peepee soaked hellhole for all my fellow simpsons dorks out there). The dreams carry me nicely through the day.

7. Smoking a modicum of cannabis. A tiny hit will accentuate the body high perfectly while not overwhelming it.

8. Killing hookers... ... ... ... ... Just kidding.

Overall, I enjoy tramadol when alone or with others. It always puts me in such a pure, innocent state of cheerfulness and confidence. It's great for being open with friends, and by myself I can have some enjoyably crazy (but never scary, in my experience) and lucid daydreams. I party quite a bit, and recently I've felt burnt out as far as cannabis and alcohol in comparison to the tram.

As far as dosage, I've found that starting off with a base of 4 50mg tablets followed by 1 or 2 at a time sustains the tramadol high for quite a while. 3 or 4 will usually do the trick.

As great as a drug as this is, there are some things I don’t like.

1. Smoking too much cannabis. I've found that large doses of cannabis overwhelm the tramadol high. Conversely, I've also found tramadol incredibly good for ridding myself of the half-baked feeling which I get several hours after smoking. Tramadol breaks through that like the sun breaking through storm clouds.

Most other activities are fair game. Except, of course, the aforementioned slaughtering of hookers. That's just wildly inappropriate.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32856
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 26, 2007Views: 28,379
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