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Vinpocetine, Ginkgo biloba & Ephedrine
Citation:   Black Cat. "Deaf: An Experience with Vinpocetine, Ginkgo biloba & Ephedrine (exp33026)". Apr 23, 2004.

  oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
    oral Ginkgo biloba (pill / tablet)
  10 mg oral Vinpocetine (pill / tablet)
I was taking two english classes and had many reports to write before the end of the quarter. After several days enjoying a certain ephedra product and typing papers, I noticed that I was having a hard time linking concepts together. It seemed that I could only think one sentence at a time and that I couldn't think up sentences that completed each other. This was probably due to a lack of interest in the topic, and mental fatigue. Whatever the case, my solution was to ingest some vinpocetine 5mg, found in a blend with ginkgo. I probably took no more than three pills, most likely two= 10 mg. It completely cleansed my lack of focus on concept building.

Vinpocetine naturally gets me rattling off at the mouth. Also I have an almost physical connection with sound in its presence. It seems to increase my attention to sound, with a special affinity towards high frequency noises.

Don't take Vinpocetine with Ephedra!
It made me temporarily deaf. The effect seems to come and go but under slight agitation, such as in a social situation, I lost my ability to hear. A pressurized feeling may be felt in the ears.

I tried various ephedrine products to see whether it was the ephedra or the mixture I took. Its definetly the ephedra, if you wanna have a pressurized and deafening experience that can leave you with ringing ears matching the intensity of a black cat going off next to your head this mixture is for you. Oh yeah the experience is temporary, but can leave residual soreness.

While this report may have excited you, there are some cautions I suggest as precautions in the presence of these two chemicals:
1. whatever you do don't stand on your head, this seems to be very damaging to the ears.
2. don't listen to loud music, it feels good, but may make the condition worse.
3. small amounts may be tolerable (no deafness), but large amounts of vinpocetine will bring it on.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33026
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 23, 2004Views: 22,979
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Vinpocetine (162), Ephedrine (23) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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