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A Most Unknown, Underappreciated Drug
Citation:   MaryJane. "A Most Unknown, Underappreciated Drug: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp33124)". Oct 23, 2006.

295 mg oral Diphenhydramine (liquid)
I have no idea where I got the idea to try Diphenhydramine from, because information on it is not as widespread as other legal drugs, and it was actually in my medicine closet. I guess I must have been very desperate to change my perception of the world one night, and so I rooted through my medicine closet and took only the meds with only one active ingredient. I managed to find a bottle of Stop and Shop Allergy medicine, and after looking it up on this, I decided to down the whole bottle (295mg). The only active ingredient was Diphenhydramine. This drug was one that did not seem to have a huge fan base, but I am always willing to try new and inventive ways of intoxicating myself.

I didn’t really feel much for the first 40-50 minutes. About an hour after drinking the nasty liquid, I got the weirdest feeling in the back of my head. I really don’t remember much after that; I do remember having a strange feeling in my entire body, which I can only describe as a body buzz. In school the next day I almost blacked out a few times, because I was still relatively high. This drug is the most like a roller coaster than any that I have tried to date. Sometimes, even while sitting in a chair or something, I felt like I was falling. I remember reaching for papers in English class, and feeling like I was falling out of my desk. Man oh man. There are also the effects on vision after the drug has stopped rampaging the senses. I noticed that everything looked slightly more harsh and real after this trip. There are also occasionally flashbacks, and bright flashes out of the corners of my eyes.

This is the strongest effect that I have gotten from any drug that I have ever taken. Diphenhydramine is a really scary/fun/interesting drug, that is totally lost to the general public. Also, a word to the wise, never trip in school!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33124
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 23, 2006Views: 16,959
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Diphenhydramine (109) : First Times (2), Various (28)

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