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A Morning of Pure Glory, Oh Yeah.
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Infamous40ounce. "A Morning of Pure Glory, Oh Yeah.: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp33139)". Mar 3, 2008.

1000 seeds oral Morning Glory
Basically the thought of tripping on morning glory seeds was constantly lingering in my future plans for using. I believed mainly everything my friends had told me about the seeds and the affects, most of the experiences were verbatim online as my friends had detailed to me prior to my intake.

First of all I would like to say i'm 17. Experienced in most drugs ranging from LSD to DXM. I'm a great fan of trying new options to enhance my use and creativity through using. Anyways let me explain the whole night.

A few friends and I had both gathered as many 'borrowed' seeds from local plant stores as possible, well basically we cleaned a lot of places out. Overall we had about 5000 seeds, to split up between 5 people. We cleaned them in some mixture my friend had created for the situation, after cleaning my friend claimed the seeds were as cleen as laundry. I intended to get around 500 seeds in to test them out, unfortunatly I felt a little more curious for a somewhat higher affect so i proceeded to take around another 500 (whatever was left over from my original 1k).

2:22 PM
ingestion occured. I felt the best way to kill a few hours before affects approached would be to put on some increasingly relaxing techno followed by some extremely stimulating eye candy (milkdrop plugin for winamp). I continued to stare into the exotic arrays of organic shapes and flowing colors on the screen (very natural no trip here or anything). I constantly breathed deep and calm as I do before any trip. I wanted to achieve an awake relaxed state which ive seen to help me have much more benificial trips on LSD.

3:30 PM
I became rather curious as to wheither or not I'd even get affects because of other drug usage a day or two prior (lsd, thc, and some dramamine). I continued to feel nothing except relaxed, which was no longer self induced. It was almost as if I was being relaxed by an outer source...possibly the seeds? I waited to find out.

4:30 PM
My eyes started to feel like I just went to the eye doctor and had those dilation drops put in. They felt like they were two big rocks stuck in both sockets of my face. A somewhat familiar feeling I might add. Once this feeling reached a maximum, I began to really notice some interesting affects.

4:45 PM
My pupils were dilated. The biggest thing I noticed was a familiarity feeling approaching withing the bottem of my stomach. It's like when I feel on top of the world and safer than I could possibly be. The comfort was almost overwhelming but I continued to love it. Another result at this point had been semi trails on lighting. Not streamline or a constant trail, more of a chopped image like my brain had a bad video card and I couldn't process the light trail at the normal rate.

5:05 PM
All of the effects that started to occur at 4:45ish were comming in a fuller effect. My hands were a bit shaky and if I held it under the black-light i could see some interesting wavy trails off where my hand once was, like I had a blurry hand around its perimiter. Trails were still somewhat diced up but I wasn't too concerned about that. The most interesting part was when I went to the bathroom my friend shouted after me 'look at your face for a while'. So after i finished goin to the bathroom I started to wash my hands off as I stared into the mirror. Ironically this was one of the most interesting part of the 'trip' if you will. I kept smiling like I was on shrooms, so basically I was laughing at my own reflection and it was laughing back. I felt like a million $ and all I could do was look at myself, as if i was in love, yeah ok anyways...

6:12 PM
Climbing the peak. I felt the feelings intensify significantly except for the choppy trails. I felt like I woke up and was born sin, problem and error free. Everything I did I mentally congradulated myself for being so cool (no I don't normally do this). Even when i fell down my stairs I felt like I fell like a pro falls down stairs, like nobody could even do as good as I did when I went headfirst down 10 stairs.

6:45 PM
At about this time I decided morning glory seeds were the greatest thing ever created by God or whoever, so on that note I mentally thanked god for making them (why was I doing this sort of thing? I don't know but it just made sense to do at the time). The peak seemed so far away, I felt like I'd be in that trip state of mind forever and I was hoping I would. Although peaking was my goal throughout most of the trip, I suddenly became extremely tired. My new goal was to fall asleep or actually fight it.

7:15 PM
8 cups of coffee and a Dew later...
I was wide awake and shaking even more, but of course I loved it.
I continued to exhibit these experiences throughout the course of the night.

2:09 AM
The trip was off but I felt a constant burnt out feeling like I get after a little bit too much weed in one day. Except this feeling was like I just moved to the nicest beach in mexico. This feeling lasted well into the day (around 11am).

Anyways there is probably more to add, but I'm just too laid back to even remember.

I enjoyed MG seeds as an alternative to lsd or shrooms. Probably one of the best trips ive had on something other than LSD. I found it beneficial to relax for an hour after I did the seeds. I got myself in one of the nicer state of minds, then I was good to go.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2008Views: 8,584
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Morning Glory (38) : Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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