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Da Miracle of Sandoz
Citation:   lotusmountain2. "Da Miracle of Sandoz: An Experience with Clozapine (exp33294)". Jan 27, 2012.

200 mg oral Clozapine (pill / tablet)
Hmm..Weeell, I've been on clozapine [Leponex(r)] for 10 months in and out. Sometimes skipping the drug for days (which induces a period of no sleep). At first, the very first day I took it, it was like the storm in my mind had calmed. But that was it. From then on it produced nothing but a vertigo when gettin' up.

I was about to leave the whole medicine but then I became more aware of other pill poppers and realized that I'm in a blessed position of having able to be drugged all day. I also think that I now get a little euphoria every now and then.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33294
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 27, 2012Views: 9,364
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Clozapine (562) : Not Applicable (38), Medical Use (47)

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