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Rough Start, Smooth Finish
by RG
Citation:   RG. "Rough Start, Smooth Finish: An Experience with 2C-E (exp33369)". May 6, 2004.

16 mg oral 2C-E (powder / crystals)
This is my first time posting a trip report here, so please pardon my lack of experience. I don't usually post, but after trying 2C-E for the first time, I feel I should try to impress on people that they should start with a low dosage (even though many people have already said this). I am experienced with 2C-T-7, 2C-I, 4-AcO-DET, Methylone, 5-Meo-DIPT, Mushrooms, and ecstasy (and more). I find that I usually aim towards the low-high end for dosing (according to erowid's ranges) with 20 mg 2C-I and 33 mg 2C-T-7 being good typical doses. 16 mg was probably as high as I will ever go with 2C-E though. I guess certain people are just extra sensitive to certain chemicals.

Setting was a rented cabin in the upper peninsula of Michigan which we were visiting for vacation. I was alone with my fiancee (got engaged the day before), who is also an experienced tripper. I took 16 mg (carefully weighed) and she took 14 mg at 1:00 pm. I didn't take notes, so I'm just going on what I remember, but it was only a week ago.

I have heard most people say that there is little or no body load on 2C-E, but for me at 16 mg, the body load was quite bad. It started after about an hour, and continued for at least an hour and a half, during which I was so nauseated that I couldn't get off the couch. It wasn't a cramping like I get with 2C-T-7, it was more like flu symptoms and flu nausea. It was bad enough that I almost thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, but I reminded myself that it would go away eventually. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I couldn't do it. I definitely will not be increasing my dosage above 16 mg because the nausea would be too much. J did not seem to have any problems at all with body load at 14 mg, so maybe some people are affected worse than others.

The visuals were pretty intense once they started, but not as good as 2C-T-7. The entire ceiling of the cabin was made of wood panneling, all of which was breathing and morphing. I didn't feel very stimulated like with 2C-I, in fact at the 2 hour point I could hardly open my eyes. One disconcerting aspect was the EXTREME confusion and disorientation. Putting shoes on to go outside was quite a challenge, but I found it amusing that my shoes felt unsually small and tight, like they were the wrong size. The head space was very distinct, and unlike the confusion that I have had from high doses of mushrooms or 4-AcO-DET. I felt like my brain was made out of felt fabric, everything was fuzzy. At the time it seemed like toxic psychosis, which I have never felt on mushrooms. I still have a feeling that 2C-E may be neurotoxic at high doses, which is why I'm concerned when I hear about people eating 30 mgs or more. Another interesting aspect was that my sense of smell (which is normally very bad) was greatly increased. However, it seemed that it was bad smells that were amplified the most. J noticed the exact same thing. Music sounded simply amazing.

The outdoors were beautiful, but it was a little too cold out to stay out for long. Our cabin was right by a lake which was very pretty. We saw the fins of some kind of giant fish in the water which looked ugly and mutated. We watched ducks in the water for over an hour though, and I had a lot of fun thinking what it would be like to crawl into the duck's head. The sunlight on the water made the water look so silver that it could have been made out of metal, and the rolling waves created some nice visual effects.

After we got back from the lake, the owners of the cabin came over to do some work on the cabin next door. I was a litttle paranoid, and I never get paranoid on anything, but it wasn't too bad to handle. When we thought they had left we went for a walk outside, but found they had just gone around the corner. Talking to them was very unpleasant for me, and I kept thinking they could tell from my giant pupils that I was on something, so I couldn't look them in the face. J had a great time talking to them though, and would have stayed there all day but realized I was very uncomfortable.

The whole experience lasted quite a while. I was done tripping at around 10:00 pm, but I could not sleep for several more hours. When I did finally fall asleep (4 am I think?) I kept waking up and had a pretty rough night. The next day I felt fine except very tired.

All in all, 2C-E is an interesting and very very powerful drug. Please do not take more than 14-16 mgs your first time, no matter how hard headed you are. For some reason I think 2C-E is ultimately lacking, maybe every drug is lacking in some aspect, but it's hard to put my finger on exactly what was missing. For one thing I didn't feel very euphoric, which was one of the best things about 2C-T-7, you just feel there. You are fully tripping, but at the same time there's something very ordinary about it. Maybe that's why everyone says 'It's not very fun, but I would do it again.' I feel the same way.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33369
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 6, 2004Views: 12,342
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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