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Dirty Body High, Clean Introspection
Citation:   Boddhisatva. "Dirty Body High, Clean Introspection: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp33423)". Nov 5, 2006.

20 mg   2C-I (powder / crystals)
I took 20mg at 9pm. At approx. 10:30, I was stunned by visuals while staring at the wood-paneling on my friend's living room wall. From that point I had an intense feeling of weight on my body. I was reluctant to move. The weighted feeling did not return later.

After leaving my friend's house, I walked to the car, not recognizing exactly the surroundings that should have been familiar. During the car ride, the air conditioning blowing on my legs creating a confusing signal, I couldn't tell if the air was very hot or very cold. It felt as if someone rubbed Icey Hot all over my inner thigh.

When I got to my room I laid down on my bed (approx 11:30pm). My feet felt like they were burning. A tingling sensation seemed to run down one-side of my body, making me wonder if the drug was affecting only one side of my brain. I had a strange tingling sensation in my testicles that was prevalent most of the trip (9pm-3am).

My thoughts seemed especially introspective and profound. My thoughts flowed very well at times, and other times I would forget my thought mid-sentence, trying to explain it. Sometimes I would dismiss thoughts as a product of being on a drug; it seemed to me that this was a result of the drug not totally encompassing me.

Overall, I would describe it as a 'dirty' physical high. I didn't much care for how my body felt most of the night. The drug was useful for therapeutic development, though, and much mental development was accomplished. I realized several things about myself and my friends while on this drug.
It should be mentioned that I had someone around me at all times not taking any substances, which was probably very helpful.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33423
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 5, 2006Views: 11,559
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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