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Numbness on One Side
Citation:   Platinum. "Numbness on One Side: An Experience with 4-HO-DET (exp33535)". Mar 8, 2006.

50 mg oral 4-HO-DET
I must first start off with my experience with psychedelics. I am very experienced with all your classic psychedelics (minus dmt) and a good amount of synthetic ones, including at least 30 trips on 4 aco det.

I ate 50 mgs of 4-ho-det over an hour time. Within 1.5 hrs I was having an ego death experience with full 3d fractal images and the feeling of death. I didn't fight the feeling, instead choosing to pass through the door. Upon reentry into reality I noticed the left half of my body was numb. I have had many crazy delusions while tripping, but never have I felt half my body go numb. I debated calling 911, but finally did. I was driven to the hospital where I waited for a while. I finally helped them get info on the drug, which obviously helped little. I then went in to get a cat scan, which was pretty alien with the 3d fractals swirling. Anyway, the cat scan and other tests showed nothing and the numbness started going away, starting with the head and working down.

It is 8 hrs since ingested and my left leg is still numb. The doctors has no idea what this could be, cause most neurotoxins affect both sides of the brain and body. I have done alot of research chems and I thought most of them to be reasonably safe, particularly 4-aco-det. I have done that compound extensively and never had an experience like this at much higher doses. I remember feeling that the 4-ho-det didn't feel right from the first time I took it. Caveat empor, buyer beware!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33535
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 8, 2006Views: 11,720
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4-HO-DET (365) : Health Problems (27), Hospital (36)

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