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Giggling Moose Country Wizard
Citation:   oscar. "Giggling Moose Country Wizard: An Experience with LSD (exp33561)". May 16, 2004.

7 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
In a flashing spell of lingering interior flailing bursts, you remain ignorant to a falling corpse of bleeding lizard dreams. It will blind you, I warn, in a second that tears at your senses like the unending sorrow that bursts you with a flavor of the sounds of a pathetic giggling moose country wizard. It comes from the direction of the deranged infinitely screaming reaper who supervises the stimuli of existence. It overwhelms you; the mind piercing pink and orange exploding from his mouth tastes like a photon blast from hell. Then you fall into a frantic steam of euphoria that tickles at your legs and leads its way back to your brain only to wisp in the frolicking cob webs of your past. The browning shrimp gumbo gives way to the sense of emprisonment the redbird once felt when his feathers were trapped in a sling. Freedom you thought you experienced is now a summit of yellow pleasure the ever famous mockingbird intertwines within your being, and the ever slowly descending popcorn wave is a sea in the eyes of a corn field reaper.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 16, 2004Views: 5,234
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