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Looking at the World a Little Differently
Citation:   Snuffleupagus. "Looking at the World a Little Differently: An Experience with LSD (exp33639)". Dec 22, 2007.

It was another steamy summer day in Florida. My good friend Kristin thought it would be fun to drop some LSD. I had expressed my curiosity to her about tripping after hearing her stories about her past experiences. Having known that I was curious, she got us 2 hits of LSD. She convinced me to trip with her and later that night, I had the experience of my life.

This hits she got were yellow suns. I don't know if this means anything, but I'll never forget them. We dropped early in the evening and thought we should have some dinner before the effects had started in. We went to Applebees and ordered dinner. We couldn't even make it until our entrees arrived. We had to get them to go. We started giggling and couldn't stop. We knew we had to get to a safe place before things were full blown. We drove to my apartment. Dropped off our food. We weren't hungry anymore. Then we proceeded to set off on our adventure. [Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

We walked towards downtown over the bridge where it seemed like a million birds flew up out of the water. All the colors were getting very intense. We walked down to the main street of town, no cars can drive on this street, so we forged ahead. There is a slight curvature in the street, but at the time it seemed like we were walking through a half pipe and leaning to left as we walked.

Street signs began to look crooked, and words were jumbled up on signs. We wanted to be at the beach, but we needed a ride. We walked to our friends apartment and they were more than happy to give us a lift to the beach. We went an sat on these steps that lead to the beach, and then the real fun show began. From our vantage point, you could see the lighthouse, but at this time the lighthouse light stopped spinning and that's when the UFO's came across the water and were hovering out over the dunes. The waves became very linear, and seemed to be breaking on the shore evenly. The sand was moving...Everything seemed very animated, or as if I was watching a film. There were jetties to the right of us and my friend kept saying they looked like some painting...I can't remember the name of it right now. It's too late to call her and ask.

Then this is when the night sky turned and white patterns danced across the sky along with waves of color, swirls and stars. I have no idea how much time had past, but I couldn't really speak. Neither could my friend. We manged to say that we both felt like we knew what each other was thinking. We needed to walk more so we head back towards the direction of our apartments.

My depth perception was off, and I kept ducking. Thinking was going to walk into the tree branches overhead. There were leaves and sticks on the sidewalk that were getting up and walking away. And we both swore we could understand what the frogs were saying that night.

We walked through some grass to get to another sidewalk and the grass grew up around me. Now we were walking along a major road and their were cars whizzing by. It sounded like they would slow down when they were approaching us, and then speed off.

We finally reached her apartment, and there was a pool. She wanted to get in the pool. We were so hot from walking. When she got in the pool, her body looked like one of a human fetus with her adult head attached to it. It freaked me out, so I couldn't get in the water. We just hung out for awhile after that. Her boyfriend was there now. He had been following us the whole time. We never knew. He knew we were tripping, and wanted to watch out for us. Another friend showed up and we talked for awhile and I finally was feeling like I had returned to myself, so I walked home. Just two blocks. I couldn't sleep. I ended up lying in bed for 3 hours, then taking a shower and going to work.

We walked approximately 11 miles that night. The next day, I just couldn't help but look at the world a little differently. I still do.

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 33639
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 22, 2007Views: 9,064
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LSD (2) : Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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