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All Night Long
Ginkgo biloba
Citation:   Anonymous. "All Night Long: An Experience with Ginkgo biloba (exp33760)". Feb 6, 2007.

600 mg oral Ginkgo biloba (daily)
I'm a university student and started taking ginko when I found out it can increase concentration and memory, since I appear to have lost whatever of those I once had after having been in school for the past 18 years.

I notice its effects almost immediately (45 minutes or less). I have rarely taken ginko consistently for more than a week, so I don't know if there are other effects that come later; although I partially credit it with getting me through almost 14 days of consecutive all-nighters, having left all of my assignments to the very last minute humanly possible.... I find the effect of ginko to be similar to that of caffeine (which I also find helps me concentrate), except not jittery or stomach-upsetting (I have a very weak stomach, especially when I haven't gotten enough sleep... I can take ginko fine then, though). I find the effect to be one of smooth, focused, un-phasable (at least that's how it feels) energy. I have found that ginko helps with headaches too. The strangest thing I have ever noticed taking ginko is that sometimes, particularly if I haven't eaten before taking it or haven't slept enough, I get a dizzy-type head rush as the herb starts to work; it doesn't last more than 10 seconds though, so its quite tolerable.

Overall, I find ginko quite effective in increasing concentration and energy; memory I'm not too sure about, but maybe I haven't taken it consistently enough for it to have that effect.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33760
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2007Views: 19,431
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Ginkgo biloba (195) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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