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Halloween Fun
Coffee, Fasting & Sleep Deprivation
by Caw
Citation:   Caw. "Halloween Fun: An Experience with Coffee, Fasting & Sleep Deprivation (exp33777)". Mar 28, 2006.

3 cups oral Coffee (daily)
For Halloween I used to put myself in a special mindset.

This was of course, before I had larger reponsibilities, but mostly pleasurable overall.

For a week (3-7 daze) before the night in question I would deprive myself of sleep. Generally this required the aid of my dear friend...the coffee pot. It was also very helpful to have several activities to keep me busy. If not it becomes much easier to succumb to circadian rythmes. These activities were more active than passive. Reading a book to soft music was nowhere near as envigorating as a nice loud pillow fight.

After a few daze of this I would steadily decrease my intake of food.

Now by Halloween I would be feeling very strange indeed. It was all the more heightened by the costumes and decorations of the holiday. I would be feeling strangely elated, very euphoric and sometimes I would get odd visual distortions. There would be very subtle patterns to things...sort of linking everything together. My ears would become sharper and loud noises where quite bothersom.

By the end of the night I would be about exausted. I would sleep for a good 12 hours to make up for all the lack there-of.

I found later that if I combined alcohol or pot with this it was nearly impossible to stay awake for more than 2 days.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 33777
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 28, 2006Views: 21,395
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Sleep Deprivation (140), Fasting (178), Coffee (173) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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