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Intensely Scary 1st Time
Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Zolpidem
by Erik
Citation:   Erik. "Intensely Scary 1st Time: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10x extract) & Zolpidem (exp33784)". Mar 6, 2007.

  repeated smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
  20 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I have had the opportunity to use and abuse many drugs out there, including street and pharmaceutical drugs. Basically, the only drugs I haven't done are Ecstasy, Lsd, and Heroin. When it comes to drugs I take high doses, frequently. I have a very addictive personality. Anyhow, I want to share a little bit about my first times using Salvia. I ordered a gram of 10x off the internet. I was planning to trip while my friend J was with me. For various reasons he couldn't make it over. Even though I have read many trip reports about Salvia and how important it is to have a trip sitter, I blatantly ignored this because I was too eager to try it.

Well, I wasn't too sure about the dose, never having smoked it before. I just packed my small metal pipe to the brim with Salvia, another stupid idea for a first timer like me. I took 2 big hits holding the first for roughly 30 seconds, and the second for 20-25. I had to blow out the smoke because the trip had already started and I was nervous that I was going to make myself pass out like I wouldn't be able to tell when it was really time to breathe oxygen.

All of a sudden I was catapulted into an odd state. I was stoned as hell, and this gravitational force was pulling me straight down in front of me to the floor. It was an immense force. I have never felt anything like this before. Absolutely intense. Too intense to handle. I was feeling scared and I have never been scared on a drug before. I was completely overwhelmed. I picked up a cigarette to smoke to help combat the stress, but then thought that in my uncoordinated state lighting something would end up disastrous so I set the cig down.

I wasn't really sweating in real life, so I am assuming my body temperature was at a normal level. However, I felt like I was on fire. My body was burning up at 300 degrees. My whole body was prickly where my shirt touched my skin, and my arm pits felt dry much like sand was in between them. I felt really dizzy, but not sick. The gravitational poll was so strong that it started to pull me to the ground. It wasn't like I was falling over; it was like it was actually pulling me to the ground.

The best way for me to describe this gravitational pull would be to think of two very, very, very strong magnets. You know when you try to push the magnets together and they have this huge force pushing them apart that you feel in your fingers? That is the same type of feeling as the gravitational pull. Anyway, I wasn't quite panicking, but I was close to doing so. I mumbled out-loud in a slightly coherent yet ill sounding voice 'I prayed to God that this trip would be good'.

Now I was panicking. I was worried that my parents were going to come home any second. I started packing up all my Salvia and pipes and what-not. Well, at least trying too. The immense heat was burning me up so I took off my shirt. I started looking around seeing color patterns unlike any drug I have tried before in between objects. Like, there is this space where there is an object, and then in another dimension there is this fuzzy, slightly white translucent field. I can't really relate to you why that field is in between an object, but I can tell you that this was very real and made perfect sense at the time of the experience.

I had to get out of the garage that I was in. I walked through the open door leading outside, and ran to the gate to check if anyone was coming home in the driveway. I didn't see anyone, so I went back inside and though that I really needed to lie down. I grabbed a water from the fridge, grabbed my shirt and jacket, and walked up to my room. I tried to put all my Salvia and pipes away but no go at that so I put them back in my pockets and just rested on the floor of my room for about 5-6 minutes.

Hah, I wish I could say that laying there was serene, but it wasn't:-0 After resting, with the effects diminished greatly but not gone, I got up and was able to put away my contraband. I said out loud to myself 'Oh shit, that was the most intense thing I have felt in my entire life'. I then started repeating the words intense and laughing very hard. Almost in glee that I had experienced something as amazingly hardcore as Salvia. I won't get into the philosophical and speculative aspect of my first experience, but I can say that I was so scared shitless by it that I swore I would never do Salvia again.

I lied.

That same day, granted hours later, I went over to my friend's house. I did something I usually have the tendency to do to my friends, I began peer-pressuring them into trying Salvia. We took off in the car and went to this dirt path that faces the stars. Primo Marijuana smoking spot, only this time Sally-D. I packed a small bowl this time hoping that I had a better experience. I took my hit and held it for 30 seconds. This time, with my friends there I had no fear or panic. I didn't feel the gravitational pull gripping me to death. I was just pleasantly stoned out of my mind. This time a very positive experience, only no expanding my mind going on.

I packed a bowl for my friend D, and he took a decent size rip. HAHAH, success, he was so out of it! He was saying stuff like 'What are we supposed to be doing?' and 'Wow'. He just kept staring at everything in awe with this huge ass smile on his face. It was great! He busted up laughing and I couldn't help myself from laughing just as hard as him. Then my sober friend J in the car started laughing like crazy going 'Yes, it works, it works'.

I finished off D's bowl once again feeling stoned out of my mind. The hilarious laughing continued for 2 minutes straight. D then got out of the car saying a lot of stuff I can't remember, but obviously having a good time. He sort of came down a bit, however just as hyped up and giggly as before. He said 'Man, I didn't even know who I was' and 'Look at those [lights on the car]'. My friend J who was a bit reluctant to try Salvia at first because of my first bad experience, but now had a strong desire to do it after seeing how we were acting when we did it took his hit. He got decently stoned and just closed his eyes enjoying the ride. I went home and smoked some Crystal Meth, but that's another story;-)

Now that I was home I took my Ambien (20 mg.) and waited for it to kick in. By this point, my gram of Salvia was almost gone. I only had enough to top off my small metal pipe to the brim. This time, now that I was alone again, I made sure something’s were different than before. I wasn't anxious like the first time, thanks to the Ambien in part, and I wasn't going to smoke in the garage anymore. I went to my front porch and sat down next to the garden. I feel really comfortable in this area as that is where I did 5.5 g. of mushrooms for first time, and had a blast, mind you. One thing was still lingering in the back of my mind though. I was alone.

I took my hits and instantly started tripping hardcore. I still didn't feel the gravitational poll, which is a good thing, but I thought to myself. I'm alone. No one is here enjoying this moment with me. The sadness crept in. It didn't get far though! I started hearing voices and sentences and fragments in my head. The plants by me were talking to me! All of the communicating was done telepathically, but it was still just as real to me as a normal conversation.

I'm fairly sure the Ambien was to blame for the communication with the plants as it can cause audio hallucinations. Anyhow, I had friends with me once again! The plants were there for me. They were definitely good entities. I talked with each plant, all of them eager and very positive. This went on for quite some time, until I started to come down. I realized that my conversations with the plants was not real, however I kept hearing the voices in my head. I tried to pay attention to what was being said, but either it was gibberish and being blocked by my brain, or I just forget what was being said. This was a truly warm-hearted experience. Completely un-frightening and full of love and respect from nature. I'll hang out with those plants any day. Hey, when I did shrooms there for the first time I almost hugged a rosebush. I came completely down, and hit the sack (the bed, not Weed silly).

In conclusion, Salvia is a very powerful substance. It has taken my mortality for granted. I'm not invincible and fearless, but I do have a soft and lonely side that is easily scared. Even though I did not experience a female presence like so many people have before, this plant has still taught me much despite not having a formal teacher entity guiding me.

This last experience, along with previous drug experiences (mainly this one though), has given me an utmost respect for nature and plants in general. They have much to say if you listen. Most plants, except for maybe Salvia (although it depends on the person doing it), are generally good spirited in nature. Despite the amazingly good and bad trips Sally-D has given me, I am still waiting for Her to show me something absolutely profound. Teach me something that I didn't know about myself, reality, thoughts, human nature, or spirituality. I await the true visual hallucinations you have the power to traverse upon me.

Love this plant and it will, generally speaking, love you back.

My gram is gone, but my faith goes on.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33784
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 6, 2007Views: 8,491
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