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Delayed Effect
2C-I & Cannabis
Citation:   wolfman. "Delayed Effect: An Experience with 2C-I & Cannabis (exp33819)". Jun 6, 2004.

T+ 0:00
15 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:30 10 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 9:30 3 hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I am without a scale, so I used the method of conservative eyeballing. I took a tiny amount (2 mg maybe) before I did anything else, and built up from there. This made me feel safe, but it also means that my dosage was approximate.

I was at a friends house, and we were both taking 2c-i that night. This would be the second time he has taken 2c-i, and the first time I have actually felt the effects. We have both taken lsd, mushrooms, ecstacy, salvia, and AMT. I have also eaten morning glory seeds. My friend's previous experience with 2c-i was pleasurable with little to no negative effects. We were both excited to take it. We usually smoke weed, but we were both abstaining that night, so as not to effect the experience. I had eaten dinner at 7:00.

We each took about 15 mg (in capsules) at 9:00 Pm. Listened to music (Tool, Primus) and waited for it to come on. We each had an alert at about 9:45. It felt tingly all over my body, and vision was very slightly altered (brighter colors). My friend slowly started tripping, seeing faces in the trees outside. I had not started tripping at this point though, and felt as though I was barely on a threshhold dose. So I waited until 10:30 and swallowed about another 10 mg.

My friend and I sat outside, looking at the trees and the night sky. He was very high at this point, and was laughing and seeing things. I was just waiting. We decided to watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I have watched that movie way too many times, and was bored. Also, I was still barely above baseline (maybe +1). Halfway through the movie (about 1:30 Am) we decided to go to my apartment and watch cartoons. I was becoming tired, and at this point I didn't expect to trip at all. It had been 3 hours since I re-dosed, and my friend was coming down.

That's when I started tripping. When I stood up to leave, I felt oddly off balance, and the wind felt really good on my skin. Walking was different. We got to my place and watched some South Park, which was disgusting but hilarious. I was having color distorions and the ceiling was looking very unreal. We watched cartoons until about 3:00, and then my friend went home. I was still very much tripping, so I got some water, went in my room, got naked and laid in my bed. Objects appeared very 'rich'. My cat's fur looked like the softest thing on earth. My light, which usually is yellowish, looked orange and red. +2.

I became bored, and decided to watch more cartoons (Space Ghost this time). I watched it for a very long time, and lost all track of time. It was very funny, and I was entertained until about 6:00. At this point, I decided to try to sleep. It had been 7.5 hours since I re-dosed. Most of the reports I have read said that 2c-i lasts about 5 hours, so I thought I could sleep. I was not really tripping anymore, or so I thought. Upon closing my eyes and trying to drift off, I began to have complex CEV's which made it impossible to sleep. It looked like moving rainbow-colored liquid. I tossed and turned, unable to let go. After about half an hour, I finally decided to smoke some weed. That should put me to sleep.

It failed. After 3 bong hits, I went back to the bed and laid down. After about a minute, I was tripping my ass off again. I thought I could hear my own heartbeat, and it was beating very fast. This worried me, because at first I could not slow it down. It took a lot of concentration to make it slow down. Looking back on it, I don't know if I was just imagining my heartbeat. I laid there, tense and clenching my jaw, and having intense visuals, for about another hour. During this time, I was completely incapacitated. I was very much on drugs, and I was also tired, and trying to sleep. It was impossible to empty my mind. I would try to think about nothing, and I would inevitably start hallucinating uncontrollably. Things looked completely alien. I became worried, since it had now been about 8 hours since I had taken any 2c-i. I had expected to be baseline by now, yet I was easily +3. For lack of anything better to do (or at least a lack of the mental capacity to do it), I stayed in bed.

I did eventually go to sleep about 7:30. I was probably still tripping, and I don't remember actually going to sleep. I woke up about 4:00 Pm. I feel fine now. I slept very well, and I feel no after effects, except for a pleasant glow.

When I think about it, I only really tripped for about 5 or 6 hours. It just took forever to kick in. Maybe I was just unfamiliar with the effects and/or distracted. I will try this substance again, maybe at about 20 mg, and earlier in the day.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33819
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2004Views: 10,448
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2C-I (172) : Combinations (3), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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