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A Strong, Hypnotic Buzz
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   Dantheman. "A Strong, Hypnotic Buzz: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp33847)". Oct 6, 2005.

7.0 g oral Leonotis leonurus (tea)
Having heard some good things about Wild Dagga, I decided to try it myself. This plant is native to Africa, and I live in Phoenix Arizona, so I thought it may be worth trying to grow. I was pleasantly surprised to find that local nurseries carried the plant (Leonotis leonurus). Aside from having pyscho-active properties, this is a very pretty plant and is fairly common as an ornamental shrub. The plants grow great here in the desert heat and sun. I planted 2 plants in March, and within 6 weeks both were producing beautiful orange flowers. Smoking it produces a nice, mellow buzz, but I am asthmatic and don't like to smoke anything.

By the way, I must agree with other stories I have read about Lion's Tail in that the flowers are much better than the leaves. I made some tea out of 7 grams of dried flowers. I boiled some water (2 cups), then turned off the heat and added the flowers. I let them steep for about 20 minutes, then drank all the tea quickly (with added sugar). The result was a very pleasant, strong hypnotic buzz that lasted at least an hour, with an energetic afterglow that lasted another hour or so. It was a very good buzz, and I was contentedly 'glued' to the couch for a long time. I have tried alot of so called legal highs that didn't do anything for me, but this stuff is for real.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33847
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 6, 2005Views: 38,650
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : General (1), Alone (16)

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