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Confusion Leads to Chaos
Alcohol - Beer & Paroxetine (Paxil)
Citation:   Paroxetine. "Confusion Leads to Chaos: An Experience with Alcohol - Beer & Paroxetine (Paxil) (exp33866)". Apr 30, 2006.

  oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  60 mg oral Pharms - Paroxetine (pill / tablet)
Normal Saturday night right before my graduation from high school. My and my buddies went to a party of another friend of mine that I have known for sometime. We started drinking about 6pm that night and I was well drunk by this time.

My best friend and I are looking for a ride home as the party starts to die down. I call my girl-cousin who's my good friend to come and pick me and my best friend up. Of course she does, she came and got me and my best friend but I forgot to inform her that my sister and my best friend's girlfriend was with us. Turns out she didn't have enough room in her car to take us 4, so she takes my best friend and he goes to my house to get his car and come pick up his girlfriend, my sister and I.

We get to my house and it's about 2 30am. My sister had just hurt her shoulder from the weekend and she was perscribed hydro's and muscle relaxor's.

Anxious because I hadn't taken hydro's in some time she said she would give me some to get a buzz and fall asleep that night. Turns out we get home and my mom had hide my sister's hydro's from her cause she knew she was no longer in pain.

Discourged I headed upstairs to grab another beer, when I see my mom's perscription to Paroxetine. From my previous drug addict state that I had for two years, but I had been completely sober for over a year now. Yes I quit cold turkey no rehad or medication from the likes of shrooms, acid, pills and most of all weed. I quit cause I realized the bad reputation I was getting around town, and I was a A, B student and an athlete of my school.

Anyway, I see the perscription and being drunk and stupid I figure what the hell. I took 3 pills thinking this will do the trick. I head downstairs to watch Requim for a Dream, it's by far the most hardcore movie I've ever seen about drug addicts.

Anyway last thhing I remember, I'm becoming very drozy, and pass out. I wake up to this terrible feeling in my stomach, and I'm no longer in my bed, I'm on my couch in the upstairs living room, no worried about how the fuck I got there I head for the bathroom downstairs. I look at the clock and its 5 30 am.

I make it to the bathroom and throw up violently for a minute or 2. My vomit wasn't food but brown chucks of ball-like substances. I think man, I'm fucked up this blows. Not thinking too much of it cause I've been really fucked up before in my years of doing drugs, I drink a bottle of water and head to my bed.

I remember not being able to sleep for what seemed ages. I have chills but I'm burning up and down. My friend is sleeping right next to me so I can't roll around in my bed and have my own space, worse feeling ever.

My friend wakes me up before like he always does and just hangs out in my room playing x box and other shit. I remember I sleep for periods of about 20 mins. and have fucked up dreams and wake up kicking and reaching for objects that aren't really there.

My friend leaves about noon, and I tell him to call me to play ball later. I'm still fucked up but I figure I'm just really tired and will sleep it off in the next few hours.

For the next 12 hours I didn't leave my bed, just tossing and turning and having fucked up dreams. My mom is getting pissed because I won't get out of bed for Sunday dinner. I had no appetite at all that day, and didn't eat one thing. I didn't even drink anything.

I recall getting up to go to the bathroom and I could barely walk. Nightime finally comes and its about 10pm. I'm pissed because this hell won't wear off and I have my last week of high school ever, and i'm gonna be sick as fuck to take my finals on tuesday and wednesday, worse of all I just got a new job and I'm gonna suffer 3hrs after school until this shit wears off.

I go to sleep, hoping this shit will wear off by the morning....

I wake up at 4 30 its still dark out and I get up to go to the bathroom, of course this Paxil shit hadn't wore off and I can barely walk with no strength at all. I look in the mirror and my pupils are the size of dimes. I'm just thinking thinking what a fucking perfect time to be fucked up on drugs the last week of my high school career.

I wake up at 6 am to my mom and sister getting ready for the day. I see I still have 2 hrs to sleep before I have to get up for school. My alarm goes off....

I get in the shower and am still as fucked up as the day before. I think I'm living a nightmare and this shit will never wear off. I start to get dressed and think I can make it through school and work and come home right away and sleep.

Who am i kidding, I've been fucked up before at school but this would be impossible to try and get through. I call my mom and tell her to call the school and say i'm not coming in. She concered asking me if I've taken any drugs, because I never miss school ever. I hate making up work and I always go if I'm remotely sick. I lie and tell her no.

A sense of relief comes over me and I think awesome I getta sleep the day away. I think to myself and remember from my past drug days that a drug doesn't stimuli forever adn the reason it is is because I have nothing in my system. I go upstairs about 8 30am and have a donut and a glass of milk and head for bed. I start feeling better but still fucked up. My moms calls and says its okay i missed school but I can't miss my new job. I agree.

Around noon I wake up and realize I can't sleep anymore and I have 3hrs before I have to be to work. I manage to eat a bowl of ceral and choke down 3 big glasses of water. I look in the mirror and still look like shit. Pupils still very much dialated.

245pm rolls around and i have to be to work. I force myself to get dressed and go to work. Luckily the sun was bright as shit and my pupils strunk by the time I got to work. I was fatigued as fuck at work and managed to get through it. I got home and made 2 bomb cheeseburgers, and for the first time in over 24 hrs I feel sober.

It is now monday night around 1 am. And I can't sleep the well cause I did so much so in the past 36hrs. I learned my lesson that I gave up drugs a year ago for instances like this.

I couldn't sleep so I got online and I read so of the experiences on Paxil and found other people have had the same experiences that I had in the past 48 hrs.

I was stupid for doing what I did.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2006Views: 22,077
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Pharms - Paroxetine (148), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199) : Difficult Experiences (5), Combinations (3), Various (28)

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