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Anxiety Potentiator
Sceletium tortuosum
Citation:   Mind Journeyer. "Anxiety Potentiator: An Experience with Sceletium tortuosum (exp33871)". Jun 16, 2006.

100 mg smoked Sceletium tortuosum (dried)
Now I have experienced and experimented with this substance since I have discovered it almost 5 months ago. I have been careful and selective with my approach to it, sampling and experiencing it in very spaced out intervals. Perhaps it is due to my unique physiology, but when I smoke Sceletium I find its effects hit when instantaneously and strong.

Since I have experienced it the effects of this substance over and over, I will sum up the shared defined characteristics that Sceletium has shown to me (and my unique physiology).

I usually smoke my dose in a water bong. The effects are noticed literally 5 seconds after inhalation. Immediately I get this rush of intensity and extreme anxiety. I find that EVERY single time I smoke while sitting I am standing and pacing back and forth within 1-2 minutes. I have heard comparisons of this substance to MDMA and while I notice comparable effects (slightly positive), like energy potentiation and motivation, there are negative effects that I believe outweigh the positive ones (personal preference). I did not like the fact that I felt extremely anxious on this, as I already have mild anxiety issues.

Also, there is a ringing in the ear and rapid acceleration of heart beat that adds to the discomfort of the anxiety aspects.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33871
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 16, 2006Views: 52,206
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Sceletium tortuosum (179) : Health Problems (27), Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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