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Chillaxin and Hearing Stuff
by Smak
Citation:   Smak. "Chillaxin and Hearing Stuff: An Experience with Oxycodone (exp33924)". Aug 29, 2018.

T+ 0:00
  insufflated Oxycodone (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 5:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I had about 50-60 mg. Of oxy from the night before, from an 80 mg pill. I crushed it up, removed the green time release capsule, and snorted the 3 lines. Oxy usually takes about 25-40 min for me to feel the light effects and about 45 min - an hour for me to get the full effect [when snorted] . About an hour after snorting it I was getting the usual intense waves of warmth and a weird feeling in my head.. Like something was moving around inside. I layed on the couch for about an hour, falling in and out of sleep. There was no uncomfortable way to sit or lay, and I felt like I was completely out of my body, although I could feel the warm pleasant sensation.

I walked to my room, layed on the bed and listened to music. I started hearing shit, like my sister saying 'HELLO!?' 4 times in a row. I saw a dark figure in the corner of my eye too, then went out for some cigs.

I about 5 hours after dosing I got some weed. I smoked a bowl, and it boosted the oxy high that was almost completely gone before I smoked.

The weed gave me the usual munchies, which was good because the oxy had killed my appetite completely. My oxy high had gone from slightly relaxed back to the really fucked up body feelings. It was a pretty good experience, although I've had better with oxy. I think popping half and snorting half of however much I'm going to do is the best way to take it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 33924
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 29, 2018Views: 1,051
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Oxycodone (176) : General (1), Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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