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Big Mistake
Klonopin & Alcohol
by Mike
Citation:   Mike. "Big Mistake: An Experience with Klonopin & Alcohol (exp34018)". Nov 28, 2007.

3.0 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (pill / tablet)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I had tried Klonopin once before, I took 4mg from my mom's bottle, and I basically felt drunk and pretty out of it, so I decided to go to bed. Soon after, she came up and started yelling at me for taking them, and took me to a hospital because she thought I had overdosed. I don't remember that much about it because the stuff knocks you out, and I should've learned that lesson. However, one Saturday, I took 3mg of Klonopin (thinking it wouldn't result in me being so out of it...), and I felt a little wobbly, but otherwise pretty fine. I went to a school dance (I'm in high school) with my friend, and we left early and went to a party at someone's house. I knew I had taken the Klonopin, but I figured a couple beers over it wouldn't be a big mistake.

Unfortunately, it was. I don't remember how many beers I drank, leaving the party, or getting home. Apparently when I got home my mom was pissed at me for being drunk, and threatened to take me to the hospital, so we got into a fight and I smashed her cell phone and the cordless kitchen phone. At one point she accidentally pushed me over, so I ran to my room, grabbed a blanket, and left home. My memory begins to return when I found myself inside of a house that was being built (this was after midnight at some point). I began to break anything I could, windows, bathroom tiles, paint cans, anything, resulting in about $10,000 worth of damage. I looked out a window and saw the cops (whom my mom had called when I ran away, they must've heard me inside the house), so I bailed out the back and ran through some woods, leaving my blanket inside. My memory fades out again, but I ended up wandering to someone's house and noticing the kitchen door was open, so I went in to search for liquor. I grabbed something like 6 bottles, and heard someone coming, so I bailed from there, but I guess they called the police and matched my description (looking back, I'm glad I wasn't shot or something by the owner). I again ran through some woods and went home, ditching the alcohol somewhere, and when I got home my mom called the police, who came to my house and arrested me.

I spent the next day in various cells and ultimately the Juvenile Detention center, until I was released on Monday. I'm still waiting to get through my hearings, and although everything looks like it will be alright, I'm now in a substance abuse program (among other things), with weekly drug tests, etc. (which sucks because it's graduation week, and I cant get fucked up with my friends, I'm usually not this reckless with substances). I must've blacked out for 6 hours, and I went nuts and ruined the end of my year. Not a good time.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34018
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 28, 2007Views: 4,350
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Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Various (28), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Combinations (3)

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