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I Eventually Lost Interest in It
Citation:   jean-luc. "I Eventually Lost Interest in It: An Experience with MDMA (exp34107)". May 2, 2018.

50 mg insufflated MDMA (powder / crystals)
MDMA Loss of Magic?

I don't understand the reports of depression after taking MDMA or 'loss of magic' following extensive use. In 1986 I had access to pure MDMA and used it on occasion for a few years as a kind of antidepressant. I found that after each MDMA experience I would enjoy an elevated mood that lasted for exactly 7 days. MDMA also permanently relieved chronic back pain that I had suffered for months prior to taking it; by contrast the medications prescribed for this by doctors had no effect.

I eventually lost interest in MDMA, not due to any 'loss of magic' but just because the effect was getting redundant and it wasn't showing me anything new.
I eventually lost interest in MDMA, not due to any 'loss of magic' but just because the effect was getting redundant and it wasn't showing me anything new.
My use of MDMA was usually alone or with a close friend as a kind of psychospiritual, introspective self-therapy. In most cases I snorted the drug for a rapid effect rather than take it orally and have to wait for the effects.

Maybe the post-MDMA depression and other adverse aftereffects are due to the combination of MDMA and raving rather than the drug alone. I've never been to a rave party and have no intention of doing MDMA again, but I found the drug extremely useful for me at the time. In fact, in my opinion it seemed a kind of miracle drug.

[Reported Dose: "50-150 mg"]

Exp Year: 1986ExpID: 34107
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 2, 2018Views: 1,031
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MDMA (3) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Loss of Magic (34), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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