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Cocaine v.s. Amphetamines
Citation:   Special^K. "Cocaine v.s. Amphetamines: An Experience with Cocaine (exp3414)". Oct 22, 2000.

I used to think coke was this magical drug that only movie stars could afford and it created feelings of pleasure so intense that it was up there with heroin. After a few years of trying it I just realise that it is a flat out waste of money. You are paying a ridiculous price for something that lasts about 30 min, whereas you can pay the same amount and get enough tweak to last for days.

I dont see why people will say they hate tweak (amphetamines) and love coke, the high is almost identical! Imagine snorting 4 lines and feeling like that for 6-8 hours!

It's alright on very rare occasions, or if you just have a lot of money to waste.. It makes you feel like a champ, but why not pay the same price for something that will last 16x as long?

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3414
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2000Views: 35,271
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Cocaine (13), Amphetamines (6) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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