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How Did I Get Here Again?
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   Endologik. "How Did I Get Here Again?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp34302)". Jun 3, 2021.

1 bowl   Salvia divinorum (extract)
I went to my evening Zazen and meditated for an hour, came home in a brilliant, bright mood. No one was home as my wife and son were away at the mother-in-laws. So I said, 'Hey let's give ole' Sally another wurl, and see what happens.' Since all the other times I experimented with it I always seemed to get distracted and had only worked up to a 5x mild experience, with the tunnel like visuals. It was never nothing to get excited about to say the least. So I had some 15x I hadn't even touched. So I figured I'm all alone, in a good mindset, mood, and I have a strong extract. Everyone on these message boards can't be wrong about what Salvia does right?

So I loaded up a bowl and smoked it. Sat the pipe and lighter down, and about 2 seconds later I was totally blown away. I was so far away from myself I can't I can't even begin to describe it. I still had a body, though I could not see it, or even rationalize its purpose. The best way I can describe the experience is like this; Imagine that aluminum siding they put on mobile homes in the old days. The stuff that had vertical ripples, or ridges across it. Now imagine your ear was against it, and you were looking out across it. Nothing else existed, yet there was no darkness. This rippled white plain was your only landmark.

I had no idea how I got there. All I new was I had to find a way to get back. There was a welling up of fear in me but I was more puzzled simply by how I got myself into this weird situation. I was reaching far out over this plain, yet I had no arm to reach with. Then I realized my mind, or my ego if you will was my vehicle, my body. The more I seemed to reach the harder it was to gain any ground. I simply was frozen in this bright, slanted, ridged plain of another world.

After several desperate attempts at returning, I suddenly had the since there were other people in this place, I don't know how many, I just know there were other people here, and then I decided I needed to try to get back to them. That was my only hope (remember I was home alone). I don't know how much time had past while I was in this state, it must've been 5-7 minutes tops, but it was almost an eternity for me. Just about the time the fear was starting to take over, and I thought I was permanently stuck in this state, I slowly began to return to what we call 'Reality'. And the fear subsided quickly as my vision came back to solid objects in my living room. Then I noticed I had quite a grip on the arm of the recliner I was sitting in. I think that was my subconscious telling my body to reach and hold onto itself, maybe.

The next 10-15 minutes was spent in re-integration. And I was just left in awe. I could not believe what had happened to me. I have never had such an intense experience off of anything. After the integration into 'reality,' I was actually a bit sad I left. I wish I'd have not put so much effort into leaving.

Everytime I play with Sally, when it hits me I'm always left asking myself,....'How did I get here again?' I think that's my ego telling me it doesn't like to be there.

And yes I must say it did seem like someone had played a great, well orchestrated joke on me. I expected to come out of it with a room full of people laughing their asses off at me. I think this was my 'EGO', in the midst of being scared shitless. Egoloss is wild isn't it! The ego just does not want to let go, and let me be who I really am. Fear is its only weapon!

But I must say, I think my experience was rather unique compared to what everyone else usually describes.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34302
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 538
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Salvia divinorum (44) : Alone (16), General (1)

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